KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow

Nice stem shots!

Thank you, I had to really get down there and really get in there to get em lol

Fuck yeah!!

I love how you bury your plants stem all the way to the point where you topped(or FIM'd)

Thanks and yup its another way to make them even shorter.

Very nice man. Did you have to train your pup to not feast on your bushes?

Mine can't help but attack them
Thanks . Nope she was the runt of the litter so she has been pretty much well behaved het whole life didnt never chew things, she picked up on not pissing in the house really quick. Ny other dog is a different story he's hard headed he'll eat a leaf and then puss on my plant and then look at me like its all good lol.
But he's been picking up on what to do and what not to do from my girl dog. That's a plus of having two dogs they learn from each other

Man, I LOVE Larry OG. I have it flowering right now. I also have some pollen from a male Larry and am going to experiment with a cross with Black Water and an XJ-13 (Jack Herer/G-13). Who knows what lurks within?
Larry is some good shit. I love how it smells in flower around week 6. That cross sounds killer.
Widh I had some pollen to play around with :(
Kush, I hope you don't mind if I post a stem shot of one of mine. I got some monsters this year :weed:

20120005 (Small).JPG

That sure is some "beefy"stem you have there Laney.

LOL - and just to think, I had her all trussed up like an umbrella and ready to chop back in June before she showed her true colors. I opened her back up and tied her down gently and must have apologized to her every day for a week. I won't be surprised if I get a pound off her :)
I love it when the stalk threads start showing up.. fucking doubleJJ had one as thick as a champagne bottle last year...
i think i stand a good chance at thickest stalk this year. i have one that i can't fit my two hands around, and i am not a small guy.

edit: except my penis. i have an exceptionally small penis.
i think i stand a good chance at thickest stalk this year. i have one that i can't fit my two hands around, and i am not a small guy.

edit: except my penis. i have an exceptionally small penis.

Throw up some pics

Edit.Of your stem no one wants to see your micro penis :lol:
I love it when the stalk threads start showing up.. fucking doubleJJ had one as thick as a champagne bottle last year...

That's amazing! I usually have a couple of thick ones, but I can't imagine one that size. This year I have about half dozen good-sized ones and guess it has to do with LST or topping. The bigger the canopy, the larger the stem that is needed. I'm noticing that the ones that are LST'd have thicker stems than the one I left au natural (even though that one is 12').

I am also seeing that the half-dozen that I had planted in containers, cut out the bottoms and sunk in the ground, did not develop quite as fat stems as the ones I planted straight into the ground. That was a little experiment I was trying to cut down on transplant shock. There wound up being a couple of advantages - easier to water and containers thwart small digging animals - but I'll have to compare yields to see how much is being given up.