L.E.D. Grow questions


Werd up. Hey I'm an outdoor grower in norcal looking to move inside. Anyone use led's? Just lookin for experienced advice. Lights are the biggest cost expendature and i like the idea of low heat low power, but if the results are shit what's the point....thanks heads


I am not looking to get the wrath of the LED evangalists here but it seems to be a common understanding that unless you shell out a lot of money on a well researched led light then you are basically wasting your money. There is a reason a vast majority of us use hps.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
they lack penetration. so you get fluffier buds and less of them. plasma is the next wave


Well-Known Member
dont waste your time. they are so so for veg but suk for flowering.
Doesn't know what he is talking about. As long as you keep plants 3ft and under GOOD LED lights work great for veg and flowering!

Look up Irishboy LED grows over at 420 magazine .com, there are a lot of people in there also growing LED and they are getting awesome results


Active Member
i use LEDs and am getting good results ... some people just need to not knock it before they try it.. if you invest in quality lights you should be very happy with the results granted nothing catastrophic happens


Active Member
scratch that ... awesome results lol... im trying to push for a 4ft 5ft plants this grow tho and see how well it goes .. my leds are very adjustable ... i wouldnt say on light movers but pretty damn close.. i can get them positioned anyway i want cause they are small and compact compared to HID lighting and run alot cooler so you dont have to have ducting attached to them .. pretty awesome if you ask me

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
Doesn't know what he is talking about. As long as you keep plants 3ft and under GOOD LED lights work great for veg and flowering!

Look up Irishboy LED grows over at 420 magazine .com, there are a lot of people in there also growing LED and they are getting awesome results

lol...3 foot is even to tall for a 1k. a 1k only keeps max lumens for 24 inches in a hood. and thats where led lack is lumens penetration. been there and compared them. its no just a guess. we also refuse to stock that stuff in our store cause we get nobody that wants them. once you go hid youll never go backwards. if rayther use cfl than led, bout the only thing they do is cost less to run, but also get less smoke and poitency. and for the guy that is about to post a piuc...pics dont show yields weight nor quality


Well-Known Member
lol...3 foot is even to tall for a 1k. a 1k only keeps max lumens for 24 inches in a hood. and thats where led lack is lumens penetration. been there and compared them. its no just a guess. we also refuse to stock that stuff in our store cause we get nobody that wants them. once you go hid youll never go backwards. if rayther use cfl than led, bout the only thing they do is cost less to run, but also get less smoke and poitency. and for the guy that is about to post a piuc...pics dont show yields weight nor quality
Have you not see at least the Irishboy LED grows over at 420magazine? They have a ton of great LED grows over there that prove LEDs can compete with HID watt for watt


Well-Known Member
Werd up. Hey I'm an outdoor grower in norcal looking to move inside. Anyone use led's? Just lookin for experienced advice. Lights are the biggest cost expendature and i like the idea of low heat low power, but if the results are shit what's the point....thanks heads
Maybe you should check out these 2 grows from this site then decide.https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/386508-hempstar-3-stage-led-grow.html https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/399795-confined-space-1020w-led-24-a.html

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
Have you not see at least the Irishboy LED grows over at 420magazine? They have a ton of great LED grows over there that prove LEDs can compete with HID watt for watt

no, i have watched and watched many may many others and tried them, almost all., im not insulting people for using them so dont take this wrong. and am no hatter for them. just trying to prove they arent as great as the claims say. like i said pics lie and so do stoenrs. we go by test results that cant be changed on what it pproduces and they all have failed in our eyes. i see so many that go to hid and now the led sits collecting dust in a closet.
you cant get around inverse square law and thats what they lack..again...lumens penetration, they may have nice colour but there is way more to it than colour of a bulb. i have yet to see anyone run a same strain side by side at same time with 1 room led and 1 at hid. thats more realistic than just running led and showing fancy pics. to me the cost to buy one and the little saving dont make up for the loss of quality and yield. ive never been able to get near the same weight or efficacy from led compared to hid and not 1 of our cutomers that bought them in the past have.
to me its all sales hype like advanced does


Well-Known Member
no, i have watched and watched many may many others and tried them, almost all., im not insulting people for using them so dont take this wrong. and am no hatter for them. just trying to prove they arent as great as the claims say. like i said pics lie and so do stoenrs. we go by test results that cant be changed on what it pproduces and they all have failed in our eyes. i see so many that go to hid and now the led sits collecting dust in a closet.
you cant get around inverse square law and thats what they lack..again...lumens penetration, they may have nice colour but there is way more to it than colour of a bulb. i have yet to see anyone run a same strain side by side at same time with 1 room led and 1 at hid. thats more realistic than just running led and showing fancy pics. to me the cost to buy one and the little saving dont make up for the loss of quality and yield. ive never been able to get near the same weight or efficacy from led compared to hid and not 1 of our cutomers that bought them in the past have.
to me its all sales hype like advanced does
Check out the Irishboy grows and those of the people who follow his journals. Many of them did do side by side tents with clones from the same mother with all other conditions identical except light (one tent LED other HID).

What we have here is someone who has seen the proof that LEDs can do amazing things for plants (at least ones a few feet tall or shorter) and has provided plenty of links to said proof, and someone who has seen LEDs fail who hasn't seen the links but still professes LED lights to not be great. You are right, plenty of LED lights suck adn especially those over the years. But now LED lights are as good or better than HID (at least MH and HPS) watt for watt unless you want to grow 'tall' plants.

All the crappy LED grows I've seen were using crappy LED lights or were using lights whos sellers lied about their capabilities and while they grow well they don't grow nearly as much as people were led to believe (such as when they say a 200w LED will grow as much as a 600w HID)

Penetration problems with LEDs has a lot to do with the angle of the LED lens. Some companies go as low as 60 degrees for penetration (but thus lack spread and light mixing), others go as high as 120 degrees (lots of spread and mixing but no penetration).


Well-Known Member
no, i have watched and watched many may many others and tried them, almost all., im not insulting people for using them so dont take this wrong. and am no hatter for them. just trying to prove they arent as great as the claims say. like i said pics lie and so do stoenrs. we go by test results that cant be changed on what it pproduces and they all have failed in our eyes. i see so many that go to hid and now the led sits collecting dust in a closet.
you cant get around inverse square law and thats what they lack..again...lumens penetration, they may have nice colour but there is way more to it than colour of a bulb. i have yet to see anyone run a same strain side by side at same time with 1 room led and 1 at hid. thats more realistic than just running led and showing fancy pics. to me the cost to buy one and the little saving dont make up for the loss of quality and yield. ive never been able to get near the same weight or efficacy from led compared to hid and not 1 of our cutomers that bought them in the past have.
to me its all sales hype like advanced does
to add to jdizzle your also comparing two completely different types of light..... plant usable light percentages are much higher with led's then with conventional hid systems. so the needed wattage goes down on these but no i wouldnt thing that a 200w max rating is the same as 600w that's a little much but i would rate a system of 200w max rating to perform on par with 400w from what i have seen out of real world grows.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
so by sayin they are comparable to less watts than they claim isnt that a contradiction to their sales pitches that they do the same as large light???..and how are those others doing a grow the same when its in diff locations and rooms. no 2 rooms are the same..impossible. the equipment and so may be same but no way is temp movement and so on the same in diff houses or rooms...needs to be diff rooms but on same meters to control those diff rooms so temp and humidity and fans do the exact same in each.
and where they tested for potency once harvested??? both led and the hid used for this??? no other way to know they do as claimed unless the smoke is tested by a lab. smoking and pics dont tell quality to me...to a point but im more a a see the terst results proof guy.

and again...im not trying to sound snotty or insulting but this would be the first guiy to actualy go through a real test and show its better. ...got a link to this??

i still say the plasma are the next best lighting. we are bringing in some i believe to test them out soon.


Well-Known Member
so by sayin they are comparable to less watts than they claim isnt that a contradiction to their sales pitches that they do the same as large light???..and how are those others doing a grow the same when its in diff locations and rooms. no 2 rooms are the same..impossible. the equipment and so may be same but no way is temp movement and so on the same in diff houses or rooms...needs to be diff rooms but on same meters to control those diff rooms so temp and humidity and fans do the exact same in each.
and where they tested for potency once harvested??? both led and the hid used for this??? no other way to know they do as claimed unless the smoke is tested by a lab. smoking and pics dont tell quality to me...to a point but im more a a see the terst results proof guy.

and again...im not trying to sound snotty or insulting but this would be the first guiy to actualy go through a real test and show its better. ...got a link to this??

i still say the plasma are the next best lighting. we are bringing in some i believe to test them out soon.
1. When they call the units 300w but they only draw 150w from your socket those are really 150w lights not 300w lights. That 150w the actual power draw of the whole LED light from the wall, that is as good as or better than HID watt for watt (unless its a crappy light).
2. Do you really believe its impossible to keep the temperatuires the same in 2 tents with different types of lighting? Because it isn't
3. Yes yes EVERYTHING was kept the same as possibly could except for the light used (the only thing that can't be kept the same is how differently clones from the same mother grow)
4. Yes, the LED grown buds appeared to have a slightly stronger smell, taste, possibly a little more potent (but not much if at all).
5. I can't remember if any of them have sent HID/LED buds into labs for comparisons yet, but Mike from growledhydo is getting his lights tested in a Light Test Lab now (to get more info on exactly how well they work).
6. I have no idea if LED can grow as well or better than plasma or the other exotic new lightings. Its a safe bet to say though that if any of those lights grow better than mh and hps then it is probably better than LED lighting.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
the only thing watts tells is what it cost to run.,so should be compared to a 150 watt hid to then. no wonder they claim huge cost savings, they compoare to a higher wattage hid, isntg a 600 they compare to 300 of led??? how when its 2 diff wattages
if the rooms arent connected to 1 meter to run temp swings and air movements exact its noi real test...1 mtewr, not 1 meter in each room. there is no way 2 rooms can move temps up and dpown at exact same rates on 2 meters. foliage in each room will also effect how the room behaves.
and i see alot of apear and seem tro have...thats not proof to me, thats persoanl opinions.
ill stick to what our hundreds of customers say everytime we ask their results...not happy, like i said we had so many complaints we wont even stock them in our store now. and i rarely see them in other store here. its usualy new guys buyin them or the compnay advertising how good they are themselves.


Well-Known Member
the only thing watts tells is what it cost to run.,so should be compared to a 150 watt hid to then. no wonder they claim huge cost savings, they compoare to a higher wattage hid, isntg a 600 they compare to 300 of led??? how when its 2 diff wattages
if the rooms arent connected to 1 meter to run temp swings and air movements exact its noi real test...1 mtewr, not 1 meter in each room. there is no way 2 rooms can move temps up and dpown at exact same rates on 2 meters. foliage in each room will also effect how the room behaves.
and i see alot of apear and seem tro have...thats not proof to me, thats persoanl opinions.
ill stick to what our hundreds of customers say everytime we ask their results...not happy, like i said we had so many complaints we wont even stock them in our store now. and i rarely see them in other store here. its usualy new guys buyin them or the compnay advertising how good they are themselves.
One should only consider the actual wattage draw of an LED as its rating. A 300w LED that only pulls 150w from your electrical socket is only a 150w LED (NOT a 300w LED). So a '300w' LED that only pulls 150w is comparable to a 150w HID not a 300w HID. The reason why companies are getting away with this is because they rate an LED as 300w because it has 100 3w LED lights, but in reality they can only run them at about half power so they are misleading people into believing a 150w light is really a 300w light. This happens all the time and is probably a big part of why your customers complain. They may be buying 600-1000w of LED but really they are only getting 300-500w, so when they get results that are half as much or less as they expected they automatically think "Oh LED lights suck!"

I don't understand why you find it so difficult to keep the temps in 2 differen't tents the same. The foliage could be different BECAUSE THEY ARE USING DIFFERENT LIGHTS which is the whole point of the experiment to see which light grows better. Just because hundreds of people may have been fooled into buying shitting LED lights doesn't mean the good LED lights don't work. Again there are tons of great LED grows over at 420magazine, the majority of which I've read were running on Spectra LEDs (so we know that they are good as well as others that are pretty similar).

If you had hundreds of customers complaining about slow internet, would that mean that the internet sucks or they have crappy internet? If they are having crappy results with LED lights its because they haven't discovered the good LED lights. And that may be because the good ones were not available. Technology advances constantly and LED lights now are even better than LED lights from 1 year ago. We know there are crappy LED lights on ebay, and there are websites that sell crappy lights. We also know there are good LED lights out there (Isis, Spectra, Kessil?, UFO, etc)

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
well the first paragraph you popsted...you dont think that bothers the consumer by lying to them???...just like cfl does with their comparrisons. how many other lies do they tell us?
this isnt the same as poor internet. 2 diff subjects. but if a guy had been promissed his pc was fast and it wasnt...then that is a comparable one

and how bout a footprint of light, those are also smaller so less plants under this light


Well-Known Member
well the first paragraph you popsted...you dont think that bothers the consumer by lying to them???...just like cfl does with their comparrisons. how many other lies do they tell us?
this isnt the same as poor internet. 2 diff subjects. but if a guy had been promissed his pc was fast and it wasnt...then that is a comparable one

and how bout a footprint of light, those are also smaller so less plants under this light
LED light and HID lights with the same power draw probably won't have the same footprint. LED lights should have a smaller footprint, but you can make up for this by having multiple smaller watt units. Say if someone want to replace their two 400w HPS systems with LED. They could simply get two 400w LED lights but their foot print should be smaller than the two 400w HID. So it would be better for them to instead get three or four 200-250w LED lights to spread the power out over a greater area. I think the best ratio of LED power to foot print is about 200-250w of LED for every 4-6 square feet (unless using light movers). Watt for Watt you can make good LED lights grow as much or more bud than the same amount in HID, but with LED lights being much more expensive then HID systems I imagine it is still difficult or impossible to grow the same amount of bud with the same amount of money spent on an HID system as LED. (you can get a good hood, couple bulbs, digital ballast, etc for a 400w HPS system for $400, but you wouldn't grow as much stuff with a $400 LED system (but you could grow as much as a 400w HID system with 400w or less of LED)