L.E.D grows only( i want to see results) led haters go hate somewhere else


Well-Known Member
I'm very intrigued with this technology.. Does anyone have any pics from harvests with LED only?

EDIT: Sorry, with LED only I mean vegged and flowered.. just to clarify :D


Calyx LED
Red Dwarf Auto. Notice the top of the cola, yeah, thats right it's WHITE plant material. Super crystallized....



Well-Known Member
I sure see a lot of supplemental lights being used..... I'm running a 356W pure LED grow and it's in it's early stages. URL is in my sig if anyone is interested in subing and checking out what I've done.


Calyx LED
Yeah mine is a midget for sure fucking autoflower started budding at like 14 fucking days old...lol... but its all resinous bud. hehe. She is under 300w 100% LED. I just took pix under fluoros.


Calyx LED
LOL at all the haters... I will stick around just long enough (about next year or so) when you're all buying LED's lol!!!!


Calyx LED
HPS lights are meant to light up sidewalks and fucking gymnasiums, lol. They just HAPPEN to grow plants pretty well too. Any HPS or MH shit you guys use was meant for something else...someone just stamped "GROW LIGHT" on it.


Well-Known Member
that's like a joint. :neutral:
seriously tho..
With the way i see it ..if ur gonna go LED go BIG atleast 600w..thats what my hps is so why go lower? if i can get the right price led is a comin..but i need 2 see some more ..cause this LED thread is kinda weak..prove me wrong please!