LA confidential (CA Medical grow)


In about week 6. May have too many plants in bloom. Getting paranoid about ghetto birds (they come around every other week). Would like to chop the big two down to stay within limits. The club may not buy pre-mature medicine though so chopdown happens now, a vehicle may not be able to be purchased. Need truck for work/own business.

What do you think of the growers bud formation, close? No cigar?



well the clubs in this part of ca. dont pay dick for the best bud . Then they sell it for top highschool kid prices like there doing you a big nonprofit favor. Keep it and share with friends and family. Good deeds come back. I have some la con budding on our back porch also need a new truck----Narddog


Well-Known Member
You're close.....I'd wait! Hard to stop being paranoid though, but fukk it you took em this far let them finish.


well the clubs in this part of ca. dont pay dick for the best bud . Then they sell it for top highschool kid prices like there doing you a big nonprofit favor.
Right?? OMG. The club over here only has one price, full price! $20 for 1.0 $55 for a 4.0 eighth. Then they have the "bud of the day" $16 a gram. There's the 'houseblend' for $45 a quarter but it always tastes like shit or is so leafy there's only an eighth or so of lowgrade bud in it.

Trichomes are very developed. They still are white tinted. Some branches are just starting to get a bit of amber tint. The Strawberry cough has double the trichs but hairs are still mostly white. Strawberry is shorter but I swear the buds are twice as dense, it may yeild more than this one.

Paranoid about thieves now too because the neighbors are cool, but they are doing re-modeling and landscaping. They hired a few different groups of people to work in their yard. This LA Con. is tall. (6+ feet) People talk. I just hope it's done cookin' before their job is because they probably wont steal while they are working for my neighbor, but when the project is done and they are out of work, who knows.

Just getting antsy, mouth is watering every time I come near the plant.. haha, you know what I mean?
Does anyone else get an instinct to eat the buds right off the branch like a dinosaur? I swear it makes me salivate when I smell them.


Well-Known Member
la con is an early strain you can cut between 45-55 days. if your trichs are all white you can cut it the more amber the more couch lock you will get the whiter trichs will give more of a head high. i would let it go another week and then cut. time to start sleeping on your porch with a shotgun.


Well-Known Member
I bet they love coming to work! Lol. Connie reeks indoors or out, my shit is just starting to bud and I've been smelling her all thru fukkn veg; my buddy had a bbq at his house and all we smelled was his connie over the damn meat! And I just got some new neighbors and they're kind of young I see them smoking too, I try to keep mine camo'd but the smell of this shit is too strong, sorry I hope I'm not adding to your paranioa. Fukk it man, every year I get less and less sleep towards harvest. As soon as my bitch get out of heat though she going in the yard and she don't like nobody's ass, but all I need her to do is let me know what's going on I'll do the rest.


They look beautiful.:weed: In about a week in and a half, a friend of mine will have some la con clones that Ill be able to get from him. I can't wait.:leaf::grin::leaf:


Fukk it man, every year I get less and less sleep towards harvest.
Sure thing. my schedule is fucked. I sleep during the day now and sometimes I stay up all night, ready you know? haha. I still bring them in every night though. Those buds do not sit outside at night.

I clipped a small bud off an let it dry. My dad tested it an said it was very effective, it just had that slight pre-mature vegetative taste. But that was the only problem, other than that it had him good for hours. He even forgot a half full pipe outside in the ashtray when he passed out. lol. must have been one hitter quitter.

When I pass my upcoming Drug Test. I'm going to kick back and fire up some, see how I did. I can't wait to enjoy the fruits of labor.

They look beautiful.:weed: In about a week in and a half, a friend of mine will have some la con clones that Ill be able to get from him. I can't wait.:leaf::grin::leaf:
Thank you. This is the first plant I've gotten taller than me without significant nutrient deficiencies or moisture problems. Veg growth was in a root pot indoors under T5's. I moved into an 18gallon container and put it outdoor for flowering. Used kelloggs patio plus and Dr. Erth dry ferts/ tea. as well as liquid solution and sea kelp extract.

Although Im sure I burned it it flower more than once.. Probably to strong of tea, or maybe I didn't need it since I was applying dry ferts as well. Next time it'll be one or the other.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else get an instinct to eat the buds right off the branch like a dinosaur?
Dude i totally know what you mean, lol CHOMP! LOL that shit made me laugh out loud when i read it ...too :clap:funny
