La diva, white dwarf, and bubblelicious autogrow

Hello RIU. Newbie here starting my first grow. Well actually, I started it about a month ago. I am growing 3 Bubblicious Autos, 2 La Diva Autos, and 1 White Dwarf. They are 3.5 weeks old now, they will be four weeks on Saturday. They are growing very well and all of them started showing sex before they were three weeks old, ALL FEMALES! :-P I did lose two seeds during germing though, one white dwarf and one Diva, I originally wanted to grow eight. I took some still pictures of them on their three week bday with my video camera, need to get more batteries for my digital camera. I will download them to my computer and post them here. I will run this journal to its completition for any one that is interested in these strands. Peace and Luck, BB34.
Diva 1.jpgThe Girls 1.jpgThe Girls 3.jpgBubble 2.jpgThe Girls 2.jpgBubble 1.jpgWhite Dwarf.jpgBubble 3.jpgTop 2.jpgDiva 2.jpg
Top 1.jpg
Ok. So here are the pictures of the girls at 3 weeks old. Starting from top left we have White Dwarf, Top Middle and Right we have Bubblelicious, Bottom Left and Middle is La Diva, and Bottom Right is also Bubblelicious.
Thanks manditroy :) They are progressing like crazy, probably a good 25 to 30% bigger just since Saturday. It is insane. I will take more pictures this Saturday on their 4th week birthday and will continue to update pics throughout this grow every week.
I have started up a grow journal on this attempt in the journal section, I will be getting into more detail in that thread. I will just post up weekly progress aka bud porn pics and answer questions in this thread. Hope this is helpful for others out there.