La Hada's Spanish Garden - Caribe, Jamaican Dream, Double Dutch +


Active Member
La hada ur breaking my heart lol and where's that tread at bout marrying u at.....if u need any extra hands I could gather up all team fresno and we could all come help lol :)


Well-Known Member
There's no point teasing- u know I'd love to take u all home !

Some guy called Jonah won the competition yesterday on the 'how tall are you' thread. I'll let u know abt the next one !! ;)

Ps any comments abt the girls? My Indica side may be apparent in this thread, somewhere...


Well-Known Member
the girls look great , looks like youll be smoking on your harvest for along time ...

how many plants you got in total ?


Well-Known Member
Outdoors I have 12 and my friends have 20 which is a bit much. They did 16-18 different strains and I flowered some clones outdoors and grew a few seeds. It was just for fun tho. I'm an indoor grower and I'm not smoking all this- it'll be gone and then on to my next project - you!!


Well-Known Member
When u do outdoor u don't count the weeks as its much slower depending on strain. My indicas should be ready sooner but my JD 90% sat will finish first. Chopping begins next week.


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys !!!!

I´ve been out (net)working. My mates club Kush re-opened and this is another one. A nice little club in the barrio and I been made a very interesting offer to work in a large legal grow whereby I´d get my own grow room alongside other growers who work for the club - nice !!! I´d be covered under their licence to grow with more lights!!

DSC06579.JPGDSC06581.JPGThe menu and sample box

DSC06584.JPGThe goodies
