Laced weed

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
yeah man
memory loss, depression, not eating, eye's fluttering sometimes, delusions, headaches(migraines), not having any sense of emotions
best check in with a dr. to monitor these changes in yer health. maybe the mental aspects can simmer down with a few good summer months. just keep shit in perspective... sleep, proper nutrition etc.


Well-Known Member
whats RC's? and yeah my neck
Research chemicals like 4aco dmt , 2ci 2ce type shit...can be real bad if the wrong person measures the doses. I still get mini flashbacks from when I was dealin RCs n poppin em like candy. That shit is not good. Neck pain is something I experienced too. It's gone away n the flashbacks have been fewer n less extreme as time goes by


Active Member
No offense but if you are stupid enough to keep smoking the shit. You deserve the consequences. People can't hold your hand in life and say here do this not this man. You got a lot of shit to learn. I've been there done that and dude take your self out of that situation ASAP because before you know it you'll be in the pen for some stupid shit.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't sure how legit this was but the "bullet" comment pretty much confirms this thread is FOS.


Well-Known Member
Still seems far-fetched to me too, but I've heard of similar situations that were definitely real...
Oh sure, but it doesn't match up with his story. At first he was buying laced weed. When people call him an idiot for not knowing the difference, it then turns into he was forced to smoke with a bullet? Nah....

I saw that movie as well...

"are you a cop"
"smoke some weed and prove it or we shoot you"...

Yeah a cop can do drugs to stay undercover and to protect himself.
Almost as dumb as the "are you a cop" question.


Well-Known Member
Lmao yo u must be soft as fuck, man up, and which is it bro, ur stories are all mixed up, first u said u didnt know then u said he told u it was laced now u were forced to smoke it at gunpoint? I grew up in ny i know the real world my dude, that shit dont happen, u must be a special typa stupid, at first i wanted to help but now i hope u keep lightin that shit up


Well-Known Member
and i know most of you may say that no one ever laces weed. But im 125% sure it was laced with something strong as a mother fucker. I've smoked a lot of weed and this shit just tore me up. I didn't even realize what it was doing to my body.
My weed does that to me too gets me almost lsd like.. and seriously stay the fuck away from people like that and last y are even on this site if your buying your shit.. THIS IS A GROWERS SITE JUST SAYING.. OH MY SHIT IS NOT LACED EXCEPT WITH LOVE


Well-Known Member
Im positive it was Meth bro. and i smoked ounce's of the shit
Lucky fcker u musta been getting a good discount what dealer would waste his cash lacing weed with meth weeds alot cheaper then meth where I live u pay 100 dollars for 1 point of a gram of meth so to lace a oz so it would have any effect u would need at least 2.8 grams of meth for 28 gramd of weed the dealer would have to be the dumbest fck in the world


Well-Known Member
Oh if it was meth Im sure your heart would be pounding out of your chest.
Ive smoked and taken 90% of drugs out there u would 100% know if u was high on meth it absolutely nothing like weed u must be very young and naive meth does not cause memory loss either it would pick u up massivly u would be chewing your jaw absolutely no sleep no hunger and be as horney as a 12 year old kid watchin porn for the first star sorry but what your saying is absolute bullshit


Well-Known Member
Ive smoked and taken 90% of drugs out there u would 100% know if u was high on meth it absolutely nothing like weed u must be very young and naive meth does not cause memory loss either it would pick u up massivly u would be chewing your jaw absolutely no sleep no hunger and be as horney as a 12 year old kid watchin porn for the first star sorry but what your saying is absolute bullshit
I always thought you were on meth with some of those 5 paragraph run-on sentences!

Jp bro.