Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...


Well-Known Member

This is what my most mature bud of Super Lemon Haze Looks Like at day 54..... It has completely changed its colour, its form, its bloody amazing....I don't think I'm going to need to leave all of my plants until 70 days.... It seems to be finishing very quickly so I am going to start flushing tomorrow just to be on the safe side....:-?

More later...



Well-Known Member
Thankyou Eight, Black, Donkey and Rusty...Tis my labour of love... :-) They are just so fuzzy now... I've got to go to work for the full day tomorrow, so I'll catch everyone again tomorrow night...


Well-Known Member

This is what my most mature bud of Super Lemon Haze Looks Like at day 54..... It has completely changed its colour, its form, its bloody amazing....I don't think I'm going to need to leave all of my plants until 70 days.... It seems to be finishing very quickly so I am going to start flushing tomorrow just to be on the safe side....:-?

More later...

Oooh, all the unnatural things i want to do to that bud - it's just not normal ;)


Well-Known Member
Ninja, how many times ?.... you cant pollenate marijuana plants as YOU are not a marijuana plant :bigjoint:

Lovin the girl power grow :D iv been following this thread for a while lacey and lovin the work you really do bring the womans touch to this wonderful plant. I think they respond better to you cuz ur a girl haha . either way i know what sativa im gna grow when i have the space heh heh heh ... keep it up !


Well-Known Member
Ninja, how many times ?.... you cant pollenate marijuana plants as YOU are not a marijuana plant :bigjoint:
Haha yeah, but I can try :hump:
Lovin the work, you really do bring the womans touch to this wonderful plant. I think they respond better to you cuz ur a girl haha
..Now ur presuming Lacey's plant are Bisexual & that they wish to be 'pollenated' by her..
Given where these Clones came from it wouldn't suprise me if the sicko taught all his ladies to love the ladies ;)


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I have had to come home from work early today as I have been struck down YET AGAIN, with this friggin stomach flu.... I thought I was on the mend, the hubby comes down with it, he has effectively passed it back onto me... I honestly feel like I've been hit by a bus... Wont be posting tonight, will just be lying in the fetal position groaning my arse off.... :-(


Well-Known Member
Morning all... Due to the shittyness of the weather, my Laced Rhino has been hanging for 6 bloody days, and is still no where near dry... Both kids are at school and childcare today so I am going to bring some of it inside and hang in on the clothes horse so my combustion heater (the driest heat there is) can do its thing... The good thing is, it will definately have drained most of its chlorophyl, as its had so much hang time...:-)

Feeling much better today... I actually feel kind of human this morning.... Just gonna take it easy and rest all day, I usually can't do that because of the two year old...:-)

Getting close now... I didn't get a chance to drain the res and start flusing due to my health, so tonight, is the night... Two weeks to go now... I am at day 56 (8 weeks), they don't look ready enough for me (I like well cooked buds), so this two weeks should really make them ripe....And heavy...:-)

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Morning all... Due to the shittyness of the weather, my Laced Rhino has been hanging for 6 bloody days, and is still no where near dry... Both kids are at school and childcare today so I am going to bring some of it inside and hang in on the clothes horse so my combustion heater (the driest heat there is) can do its thing... The good thing is, it will definately have drained most of its chlorophyl, as its had so much hang time...:-)

Feeling much better today... I actually feel kind of human this morning.... Just gonna take it easy and rest all day, I usually can't do that because of the two year old...:-)

Getting close now... I didn't get a chance to drain the res and start flusing due to my health, so tonight, is the night... Two weeks to go now... I am at day 56 (8 weeks), they don't look ready enough for me (I like well cooked buds), so this two weeks should really make them ripe....And heavy...:-)

Package is ready and will be shipped in the morning Lacey, enough.


Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl again with the smoke report....

The topic of todays evaluation is my breed of Laced Rhino...:-)

It started life as a crappy looking mother that I had the shits with, so I decided to throw it into the flower tent to basically get rid of it... Well she turned into this stunning looking thing, so I was lucky enough to procure a cutting from her and well, the genes live on...

She took heaps of time to dry, but after a little bit of help from my combustion heater at a distance of about 20 feet... Very gentle drying... Its all in air tight containers at the moment, sweating it out...

Eightenough hit the nail on the head when he said, Caramel as its main smell, its so sweet and yummy... The oiliness has given way to stickyness :-) and its odor is quite pungent when chopped up...

Makes you cough a little on the blow out, don't know if that's just me, (on asking others apparently it is just me) waiting for a few more friends to try it.... Smooth pull in, kind of cold :-) Sits right on your chest...:-)

On the blowout it tastes like well its hard to describe and I've asked three people and they've all said the same thing....:? Its yummy, but what kind of yummy is hard to put your finger on....Spicey, citrusy, earthy would be close....

Tastes like a Rhino....LMFAO.... I am sooo stoned....hehehehe


1 more week and I harvest the Super Lemon Haze...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
G'day All Laceygirl again, just a quick side note.... I am going to flush the entire system with pH'd water again tonight, as I am harvesting early... I will probably end up doing it a third time also, just to make sure all the excess nutes have been flushed as I've shortened the flushing time... It just makes sense....