Lack Off Airflow? Mould Growth on Fan Leaves?


Well-Known Member
hey guys :( / :)
just found out that i have a baby girl :)
but i have a strange thing happening with my fan leaves
it appears to be almost like mould growth forming
leaves start of like this then it goes all over and they completely shrivel up and die
already happened from node one to around 7 nodes, traveling up a node after killing the set of fan leaves and is progressing onwards
leaves aren't drying up when dying but remaining soft, just shriveled up
any ideas?

color of damaged parts ranges from really Grey to just wit a hint of brown :(



Well-Known Member
cmonnnnnnnn bump :(, it has destroyed so many leaves and just keeps going, and know that its a female i have a real urgancy to get rid of it


Well-Known Member
hmm i dont have a ph meter, and im strapped for cash so i cant get one :(
i know, its probably the answer,
but without one, any suggestions, i havent got any airflow in my cupboard, so im geussing its mould, because the lower leaves are closest to he moist soil?


Well-Known Member
well what i'm seeing in picture 2 looks like a ph problem.
picture 4 looks like a nutrient burn.
i think the roots look exposed, maybe put a little extra soil in there.

get a general hydroponic ph test kit, i think its like 7 bucks.


Well-Known Member
picture 4, im assumin ur reffering to the upper leaf, that is simply a light burn, its form where i let it grow to close to my cfls and got burnt, im not talkin about the reallllly orange shit, the very bottom leaf, ive rmeoved the lower 7 or so, because they came off when i simply poked it


Well-Known Member
get a sharp pair of scissors and cut the burned/mouldy part off, give ur plants as a good water flush, get a fan on them and check ur ph( really cheap ph mtere from any local garden shop,should only cost a couple of buck and they arent overly reliable but better than nothing). lay off the nutes for about a week. cut a hole for air to get into your grow area and sit the fan with its back to the hole (if this is possible, depends on ur grow room set up) this will draw fresh air into ur area.


Well-Known Member
hey man thanks for the info, im going to cut the infected area, and give a good flush tomorrow, and illlay off nutes for a week, im going to try and work on getting a fan and a ph meter aswell,
defo +rep for advice and ur signature