Lacy's Harvest and Attempt to Make Hash for 1st Time


New Member
WOW! What a head rush. :shock:
This stuff is wicked. :twisted::shock::lol:

Thanks Mr. Fdd :mrgreen:

btw...I only mentioned the 'straw' because I told you already that I am mkaing a straw that goes from my house to yours so that every time you spark up those hot knives I will be waiting.:)bongsmilie:)

Wow I think I need to go and lay down:-| I is very buzzed right now.


New Member
Yeah but he never commented on the ball I made. :|
They were good directions AND it really WAS 'quick and easy' and wasn't messing like that blender / ice method.


New Member
I am going to try this method today since your instructions are so clear and I have some stuff I need to use up and it is already wet in the fridge.

Thanks for taking the time to write this up. It must have taken you a while but it is greatly appreciated and I am sure others will think so also.

Plus I wanna make 2 BIG balls like THESE ones. :mrgreen:

I will document all my steps also or try to. :blsmoke:
well.. lacy.. if i might give a suggestion... why dont u just try the gumby method until u get your bubble bags? its basically the same thing as making bubble hash, just without the bags.. i sent u a link but u wont look at it because u said u got dial up... so ill just summarize it for u... here....

The Gumby Method..

fill a 5 gal bucket (or several if u have lots of trim) with water, ice and trim...
agitate for 15 - 20 minutes with a power drill w/paint mixer

after the 20 mins, you screen out the spent shwag from the bucket..
we want to get it really clean..
remove any ice chunks, keep them for you next ice wash bucket..
make sure to reallly squeeze out the water from the shwag and to remove all
leaf matter from the water. the water should have a brown color too it.. this is good..

"The Screening"
when shwag has been totally cleaned from the wash bucket, u place screen on
top of clean empty bucket and carefully pour wash bucket contents
thru screen into clean bucket.. thus creating the "gumbo" bucket.

Letting gravity do its thing...
ok now let it sit for 4 hours.. during this step do not move or
touch the buckets... we want the water to be still and motionless
for the entire 4 hours.

now that the buckets have sat for 4 hours, take a 6 or 7 foot plastic
hose and use this as a syphon to drain off the water in the buckets..
during the last 4 hours millions and millions of resin heads have gradually
settled to the bottom of our gumbo buckets.. we are now ready to extract
the resin..

when syphoning do not go too deep.. as you are nearing the bottom of the
bucket u will begin to see the bottom of the pail, it will be covered in
a layer of resin glands. you do not need to syphon off all the water that
is above the resin layer.. instead leave a 1/2 inch of water above the
resin layer.. we do not want our syphon hose to get too close to our precious resin..
leaving a half inch or even a full inch is fine at this pont...
if you wish u may use a turkey baster to aid in getting the water
to the desired 1/2 inch above resin layer depth...

nextm give the gumbo bucket a good swirl to once again suspend the
settled resin heads in the 1/2 inch of water so they will pour out nicely.
Once you have poured all of the buckets contents into the jar, leave the jar
sit "undisturbed" for 2 not move or toucch. u can really start to
see the trichrome heads starting to settle now!..

after 2 hours of settling, use a 3 foot piece of aquarium tubing to syphon
out the water once again... u want to get really close to the resin this time..
take out as much water as u can without sucking out any resin.

next take a spoon or a turkey baster to remove the resin and place into a bowl
lined with doubled up wax paper

ok.. now u want to dry it out.. i use a heating pad, a lightbulb, and a couple of
fans to speed up the drying process.. keep monitoring your drying resin water
if u find there is a bit too much water
and want to help speed it up, u can use the towels to "wick" up excess water
and it wont mess with the resin.. the drying process will take several hours

here is a still wet nugget that will take a couple more hours to dry before i
start to hand roll until sticky black.

when the resin is about 75% dry you can remove from the wax paper
and shape into a ball..

continue heating and working the ball till
perfection occurs... this ball weighs in at 54 grams and bubbles like crazy

from 750 grams of trim... using the GUMBY METHOD.. 15% resin volume was extracted
for a total of 112 grams of gumby bubble hash...


ok it took me alot longer to put that together than i anticipated.. lol. i hope it helps!


New Member
Thanks snowhwhite
Sorry I wasn't ignoring you.. I didn't notice this last night .
Gonna make some more hash today. wa hoooooo. I hope it it turns out this time.
It's just like this method Lacy.

There's pics and everything. It's real easy and quick. I tried this method last year and ended up with 7grams of pressed hash just from my trim, no bud. I was amazed! Don't shake too hard though, or you'll get green matter coming through. Good luck! :joint:


New Member
Since I had this stuff leave in some jars I am filtering it through a paper filter because I am determined to make some hash balls only now I am even getting pickier 'cause I want TWO big balls.:lol::clap:



Well-Known Member
that method sure does look alot easier than using 23423 screen bags. is the quality of the smoke as good as seiving it into different micron sizes?


Well-Known Member
Since I had this stuff leave in some jars I am filtering it through a paper filter because I am determined to make some hash balls only now I am even getting pickier 'cause I want TWO big balls.:lol::clap:
:roll: ... im sure you do lacy.. :mrgreen:
are you using that stuff that you left over night and was already at the stage were it had settled or another batch?


Well-Known Member
Ok my ball isn't as big as yours but look.....
a little too much green. stop shaking once you see green come out. it doesn't look too bad though. i see a lot of crystals. it took me two years of doing what you've been doing the last week to figure this all out. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


New Member
Haha KittyBitches. Love the name.:lol::clap:

I am not sure. I read all kinds of different methods and some said use a paper coffee filter and some said use just s gold coffee filter so I took the easiest way :roll:.

When I tried the coffee filter method again this morning I noticed that a lot of stuff goes through.:?

So I am back to the paper filter method for this stuff. I have to do something with it.:-|
that method sure does look alot easier than using 23423 screen bags. is the quality of the smoke as good as seiving it into different micron sizes?


New Member
Yes sir. :roll:
I am using that plus I took a great big bud and added some fresh stuff too:mrgreen:

Why is that bad???:-|
:roll: ... im sure you do lacy.. :mrgreen:
are you using that stuff that you left over night and was already at the stage were it had settled or another batch?


New Member
Well Mr. Fdd I'd love to make big balls like yours but using this method makes my fingers way too sticky and although I don't mind certain types of sticky fingers...umm....:-| this isn't one of them:lol::clap:bongsmilie

Oh but thank you very much all the same. Two years huh? Hum...

a little too much green. stop shaking once you see green come out. it doesn't look too bad though. i see a lot of crystals. it took me two years of doing what you've been doing the last week to figure this all out. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


New Member

Here is what I got left when I strained it through the coffee filter. This smells a LOT nicer than the other stuff
I hope I did it right this time.
Now I am gonna make some more.:mrgreen:

I have hash scratch fever.:hump:



Well-Known Member
i have 4 oz of d.poison, what i want to use for hash?.
got a good waY to make it lacy?.

so far this is the only way she's gotten stoned but she won't do it cause it works. the sticky fingers is the trichcromes. thrichromes ARE STICKY. my method is the same as the method she is trying only without all the water. DON'T grind the trim. make sure it's "crispy dry". you can lightly "scrunch" it as you put it in the jar but no more. you don't want the leaf to break up, you only want the trichromes to fall off. i made a half gram ball in 10 mins. :blsmoke:

i just made hash. i'm smoking it right now. mmmmmmmmmmm

supplies needed ........View attachment 104388

fill jar and cap with screen and ring only ..........View attachment 104389

shake over glass ......... View attachment 104390

scrape into a pile ..........View attachment 104391

press with your finger until you get a nice clump........View attachment 104392

then work into a ball ..... View attachment 104393

call it hash .......... View attachment 104394

that was fast. no mess. no waiting. no ice. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I really want to do something with my leaves. Last yr. I had 4 - 6ft plants and threw out all the leaf material. Mr. ffd or Lacy.... will the leaf work or will I need to keep a bunch of tops for heebs. Because of a limited amount available (space restriction) I'd hate to use good bud and screw up....... leaving ......0. :(