Lady sour diesel in trouble, plz HELP!!!!

Looked in the Marijuana Garden Saver, and found out my plant had "APHIDS", the hydro stone sold me some sticky traps. Does anyone know anything about APHIDS and if the sticky traps are going to work? And if not, what will?????
They don't look like that they are black with little wings. In the book it shows a little pic of it and how the plants look when infested with them and it looks just like my plant.


New Member
Well a few ways you can do it. You can use your fingers and stick them in the bottom and gently break them up or cut them down the sides with a razor you want to try to get the roots to hang down without busting them off. I wish someone else could help you. I'm a soil grower I dont get into dwc or hydro the power goes out once in a while around here.