open post to the dems:
say not so..
it seems that the dems (you) have complete control for another few hours and are hitting the road rather than pass legislation that would breeze through.
why?..what's the hurry? of the 23 circuit judges left to confirm, you've only confirmed 12 and are leaving. what gives?
this is the time you can run amok and do whatever you want..terrorizing as many righties as you wish..kinda like mischief night before halloween. remember?..toilet paper, shaving cream and mom's doz eggs (that you get into trouble for taking).
legislate! vet suicide bill!
terrorism insurance bill!
efficiency bill!
coburn on his way out is the only one working even though these prospective bills have full support of congress.
i'm not doing anything this christmas..give ME a ticket to DC (1st of course; preferably American Miles) and POA so i can vote in your absence and I'LL sit there in your place!
dems you disappoint me