Landlords and Marijuana?


Active Member
I am a moderate marijuana user. I buy by the gram or less a few times a week, usually splitting a blunt amongst friends. I spend probabally under $20 a week.

Anyway I am off to UCF in about a month and I am living on an off campus apartment. This apartment is not part of the school, I am entering into a real lease. Obviously the lease specified using the property to harbor or consume illegal drugs will result in a "Material default" (I get evicted).

Do landlords really consider moderate marijuana use grounds for eviction (I.E. it does not disturb the peace. I do not smoke EVERY day and make the apartment reak of weed)? I am saying if property managment finds shake, empty baggies, split dutches, or even a baggie with a very small amount of marijuana will I get kicked out immediatly, or is that clause just inserted into the lease as a "technicality." (Cops have the right to arrest you for a joint, but seldom actually do). I plan on keeping any trace of marijuana and\or paraphanalia in the deep corners of my car, but I am just wondering. This is a college apartment complex so I doubt people will snitch, but then again I want to be able to consume safely.

Also will an eviction for marijuana give me a bad credit rating, since I defaulted on a lease?


Well-Known Member
depends on your landlord. around college areas landlords kinda expect that kinda thing. just be careful


Well-Known Member
As long as you pay ontime and dont have any problems with them they will not evict you or mention anything unless they are die-hard anti-drug. I am not a clean freak but I don't make it a practice of leaving pot and pieces hanging around (you shouldn't get in that habit).


Well-Known Member
You should be smart for sure. You are probably going to "be watched" as you are a new tenant. But usually rental places just want everyone to get along and everyone to pay them. I think partying (like drinking and music all late) would be worse for them than smoking a little weed. And you sound like you smoke very little. U going going to Cal Fullerton? If in Ca you can get your 215 papers..


Well-Known Member
My landlord came inside once and soon asked *sniff* "is that weed?", i was like uh, no and he just says soemthing like, ah whatever none of my busines


Well-Known Member
I own 4 units myself and I don't give a shit what people do in them. As long as the place is in ok' condition (No holes in walls, nothing broken) when they leave. Plus the rent must be paid on time.

I had this one guy a few years ago who said he was having problems with his A/C. So I went down and checked it out. When I got there, the whole place reaked of pot smoke. When I finished putting in the new compressor, I shared a spliff with him. :bigjoint:

Every landlord is different. I'm cool with my tenants at first, but when rent payments begin to be late every month I'm not so cool anymore. Tenants sometimes misinterpret my coolness with them, they think just because I'm cool I'm not gonna care if the rent is late.
Tenants fail to realize that I have a mortgage to pay, and their rent payment pays for it.

I know how tough it can be for people starting out. I'll rent to just about anybody as long as they have a job. If rent is on time, I'm lenient to just about anything within reason.
For instance: I had to evict someone last year because my tenant thought it would be ok' for him to take out the common wall seperating the master bedroom and the living room. He said he wanted to make the living room bigger. What he did was make the roof collapse.
I ended up taking him to court and sued him for the damages. To this day he's still making a $200 payment to me every month for the next 4 years.

My advice:
Pay your rent on time.
Don't piss off your landlord.
Save your money, and buy your own place.


Well-Known Member
pay rent on time......dont fuck the place up and dont leave shit laying around......also...a landloard has to give a 24hr notice before entering your premices...that should be enough of a heads up to clean....


Well-Known Member
Please don't hide your weed in your car. That'll get you in a lot more trouble during a simple traffic stop than if you landlord found it.


Active Member
Please don't hide your weed in your car. That'll get you in a lot more trouble during a simple traffic stop than if you landlord found it.
I usually hide it inside the intake air box (I have an air box that encases an a filter with much room under it). I feel safer leaving a small quantity in my car then to be fucked by my landlord and be screwed for school.

This isint a single apartment btw. It is like a condo complex. I will have 4 roomates in my unit (seprate bedrooms but shared living, kitchen, 2 bathrooms).

Mr Kush

Active Member
I don't see any problem with smoking if it's not affecting your payments and up keep of the apartment. If it's in good condition and your landlord isn't having any problems with you or your roomates concerning late payments, poor condition etc everything should be okay even if they did find out you smoke occasionally. It's your choice and business whether you wish to smoke marijuana and if your a good tenant it shouldn't matter.

I think the real problem would be if you were growing or dealing on the premises. You know your landlord better than any of us though so if you think he/ she wouldn't be cool with you smoking marijuana and would actually kick you out for it just take general precaution such as putting away your stuff when you're done smoking and maybe smoking outside to avoid any questions about smelling weed in your apartment.


Active Member
I see what you guys are saying, but this isin't a personal relationship with a landlord. There is no landlord, it is a property managment association (basically a corperation) that owns it. Corperations tend to be strict.


Well-Known Member
Pay your rent on time, don't make trouble with the other tenants, and put your shit away in a drawer when you're not using it and everything should be cool.

If you're sharing an apartment with 4 roommates, your more likely to get trouble from one of them than the landlord. If they're all cool then you should be golden.


Well-Known Member
The reason that clause is in your lease is to protect the property owner against building damage from the police & dea in the event of a drug raid,this way when the home owners insurance company balks at going after the police for the damage claim they had to pay out they have you,where you clearly agreed not to bring any unlawful drugs onto or into the property.

Im a landlord & i could care less what my tennants do as long as their rent is paid,they treat my property with respect & they dont pester me with petty shit.