Lansing Sept 7th


Well-Known Member
Who's all going? I definitely am and you should definitely go too. I'd be willing to carpool with people in my area if fund are short for gas etc.. I know mine are lol, but I'll be there none-the-less. Trying to think of good ideas for picket signs too...


Well-Known Member
It is a protest at the State Capitol. 12 noon at the front steps. It is for all of our
Medical Marijuana Rights.


Active Member
Ya I wanted to see the flyer a well, but am not registering for another site. Every site makes you register there and before you know, your registered with 100 sites with different usernames and passwords. Its just a f-ing hassle.


Well-Known Member
Yea I understand but the MMMA site is a site that EVERY patient on this site should be at least signed up at that site also.


Well-Known Member
why is it when we want something or want change , we have to protest and picket and march ,,
i think They should have to if they dont like our law ,


Well-Known Member
why is it when we want something or want change , we have to protest and picket and march ,,
i think They should have to if they dont like our law ,

I know right. And the bad part is we don't even want change. We just want the law truly implemented and honored. Yea one would think that 63 percent of the voters would be enough.


Well-Known Member
I know right. And the bad part is we don't even want change. We just want the law truly implemented and honored. Yea one would think that 63 percent of the voters would be enough.
Get rid of the republicans in the state legislature that are stuck in reefer madness and that might be a good start. Apparently republicans have forgotten how democracy works. How about we reeducate them on how a democracy works in the 2012 elections by putting them in the unemployment line?

BTW, when they're in that unemployment'll be very happy to know that they'll be receiving 6 weeks less of unemployment benefits than the other 49 states in this country thanks to their own heartless legislation they recently passed. :)


Well-Known Member
What we will be protesting...

No patient to patient transfers

Having your card taken away and being raided because you used the wrong doctor to get legal

Not being able to grow or posess meds within 100ft of a church

Much more and basically this is as important as the initial vote for MMJ was. If these laws pass on Sept 7 you can kiss your rights under the MMMJ Act goodbye. They are trying to make it so it will be too difficult to even get legal and get meds.
Get rid of the republicans in the state legislature that are stuck in reefer madness and that might be a good start. Apparently republicans have forgotten how democracy works. How about we reeducate them on how a democracy works in the 2012 elections by putting them in the unemployment line?
BTW, when they're in that unemployment'll be very happy to know that they'll be receiving 6 weeks less of unemployment benefits than the other 49 states in this country thanks to their own heartless legislation they recently passed. :)
it is us republicans that are for less government oversight and more power to the people, more individual responsibility.

How many weeks of unemployment should you get? why live on the governments titty?
You cant complain from both sides of your mouth about the government, it makes you look silly.
Here's the flyer, please print and distribute if you can... Take it to your local dispensaries and what-not.
what will this accomplosh? nothing.
Why is the MMMA doing this?
To use up their funds before they go on their big campaign for more donations this fall.

"Look what we do we march on the capital and print flyers and we are out of money, help the cause and donate money to us."
MMMA is a bunch of crooks that only worry about Detroit and Lansing, if you live north of GR you are SOL.


Well-Known Member
what will this accomplosh? nothing.
Why is the MMMA doing this?
To use up their funds before they go on their big campaign for more donations this fall.

"Look what we do we march on the capital and print flyers and we are out of money, help the cause and donate money to us."
MMMA is a bunch of crooks that only worry about Detroit and Lansing, if you live north of GR you are SOL.
Obviously you know nothing about the MMMA


Active Member
Sorry, can't make it. I have to work. Now of this event was to be held on a Saturday when the most people don't have to work, I bet it would be more well attended. Good luck though.
Obviously you know nothing about the MMMA
i was with the mmma when it started out of an office with greg and brad at the charge. they, and the future leaders of the mmma are failing miserably. free yourself from the blinders and learn to feed yourself and dont be spoon fed.


Well-Known Member
i was with the mmma when it started out of an office with greg and brad at the charge. they, and the future leaders of the mmma are failing miserably. free yourself from the blinders and learn to feed yourself and dont be spoon fed.
Now I understand the tension.