LARGE Bore Tubes


Active Member
You don't want to go any larger than 75mm for the bottom can. You really don't even need to go anywhere near that large...
I've seen them a lot larger than 75mm and I definitely want a huge one, and no there is no point in going that large I just want to. :bigjoint:
The blower said a 100mm tube wouldn't be a problem for him on his lathe, he said he's excited to make one that large.
The last can I had was 60mm measured, an it was way to small for my liking.


Active Member
I think I've decided what I'm going to do, the same tube but instead of a top tube I'm just going to have him put a 90 degree male 18mm joint for a j-hook I'll have custom made to match the downstem and slide I bought from Dank for the tube. Should be awesome and decrease the price of the tube!


Active Member
Nice bubbler VLRD! I'm not going to give my tube the recessed dewar joint at the top, because I feel like it would make it a bubbler if it also had a jhook. So basically it will just be a huge wide tube with j-hook haha.


Active Member
IMAG0176.jpg Here's another horrible image drawn none other than yours truely, hopefully it gives you the gist of what I want it to look like. I would like the jhook to be more straight not angled haha, and also maybe a bit larger of a diameter so it doesn't look out of place. But I want the j-hook because I can get one made to match my downstem and slide.


Active Member
I'll have to pick up a keck clip I guess, wish someone sold them individually for cheap and then cheap SHIPPING. Sites will charge $2.50 for a keck clip and then $10 for the shipping.


Active Member
Yeah you said it, trying to go really unique with this piece. Something I've never seen really before, and that's the type of thing I like/look for.


Active Member
My blower said he thinks it should just through the top, not on the side. So hopefully he can put a Dewar joint on the top for my downstem to go into. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeah you said it, trying to go really unique with this piece. Something I've never seen really before.
The reason you don't see any tubes with a bore that large is because the bigger chamber you have, the longer it takes to fill up and smoke will begin to taste stale after a few seconds. Imo 60mm is the largest size to go... anything bigger than that and your hits will start getting harsher real quick.

Did you ever see Illadelph's Heavy Hitter or Roor's Zumo ever becoming popular? No. Both of those tubes were considered flops.
