Large Butane Hash Extracor. Help Needed


Active Member
Hello I am searching for ideas on building my own butane hash extractor thats able to hold around 2 pounds of flowers. I've been using the tubes they sell online but i'm tired of packing a couple ounces max at a time. So if anyone has any experience or ideas please let me know
i used an old bong tube myself with a pice of fabric jubaliee cliped to one end filled with corsely crushed dry leaf matter plastic lid on gas in end useing the lighter filler tip as the adapter to fill the tube with gas, an only a couple ounce at a time, i wouldnt know but id take a guess that you need to use a longer tube of the same diamiter to acheve good saturation and extraction, obv you know how dangerous it can be as youve done it befor problem is the larger diamiter the tube the more gas you need i wouldnt think length is an issue unless going more than a mtrt, so more danger its hevier than air so you end up with it sitting on the floor never do it inside be extereamly care full when it comes to sorces of ignition,
any ways it would be hard to fill more than 1 tube at a time from the same butain input so maybe a length of drain pipe is needed no more than six inch diamiter i would guess trial and error on howmuch gas you need, i used about 5 pureist butain lighter refils just on the bong tube thats 3 trips to diffrent shops, dun know if this hellps m8


Unfortunately with bho you are somewhat limited in options. You can always use bigger & longer pipes for extraction. Problem is you need alot of cans to saturate your material. The most I've ran is 3lbs at once. I just bought enough PVC pipe to make about 30 1ft
1- 1/2 tubes. Stuffed them all and ran one after another. The initial set up takes time but after that it goes pretty fast. Get a few friend & several collection dishes and it goes even faster. Note I did this yrs ago- if I did it again today I'd use stainless steel tubes or glass.