Large Garden, Big Problem. Please Help Diagnos


Active Member
Over watering with oxygenated water is called hydroponics. That wouldn't do it either. What kind of lights does your friend have? I'm really not saying that mine is the only answer. I do think it is partially to blame. I am very curious as to the outcome of these.
I grew a GDP over the winter with 8 CFL's pointed at her. The leaves were similar to the ones in your pics. I only noticed it happening on the GPD & I was thinking that it was the only indica dominant strain I had going. The buds were very confused and it was due to getting light from many sources. She was very healthy, and yours as well. I wouldn't worry to much, if you don't mind she won't mind.
I now have only 2 lights and am currently growing the re-veg from that same plant. She looks "normal". So that's where I came up with my cockomamy theory!

May your harvest be plentiful


Well-Known Member
I have one strain that when the roots start to grow out the bottom of the pot real bad then the leaves start to turn sideways a lot like yours are...but for real it sounds like you are just doing too much everything...

Too much watering, too much feeding, too much spraying...just let them grow and water them only when the pot is feather light and add as little as you can manage and keep the plant looking healthy...these plants will yield more when they are starved than when they are overfed.