Large Orders=Red Flags?


Well-Known Member
my local store has been open for like the last 5 years that i know of i never worry about being followed even if u buy a shit load of stuff ur buying it for tomatoes and they have no probable cause for a warrent so they cant come in if they came to the door trying to get u to let them in dont open the door

fat sam

Well-Known Member
i wouldent worry about it, just pay cash and if your still worried go rent a car for the day and use that for the pick up


Well-Known Member
ive never heard of paranoia from hydro stores...

wow...some of you seriously smoke too much and watch too many movies

go to the store...use cash if you feel it needed but if a card is easier, then use your card (debit or credit doesnt matter) ones gonna follow you home, unless your in a sluuuuuum and a vulture (robber) sees you

break your purchase into multiple days for what? waste time?...its not illegal to buy tools for horticulture (indoors or out)...and no judge in the country is gonna sign a warrant (to watch you or to bust you) based on what you were seen buying at a hydro store


Well-Known Member
ive never heard of paranoia from hydro stores...

wow...some of you seriously smoke too much and watch too many movies

go to the store...use cash if you feel it needed but if a card is easier, then use your card (debit or credit doesnt matter) ones gonna follow you home, unless your in a sluuuuuum and a vulture (robber) sees you

break your purchase into multiple days for what? waste time?...its not illegal to buy tools for horticulture (indoors or out)...and no judge in the country is gonna sign a warrant (to watch you or to bust you) based on what you were seen buying at a hydro store
Thank god for a voice of reason


Well-Known Member
i wouldent worry about it, just pay cash and if your still worried go rent a car for the day and use that for the pick up

Its more so for commercial growers, and NEVER Rent a car if your worried about getting busted. Renting is just as bad as using your own car.

I would never be worried about being followed, but LICENSE PLATES numbers can give cops a lot of info.

If its your car, or a rental car, the plates would be linked to you. The cops wouldnt have to follow you, they would have your name and address, and possibly put you on a suspicion list.

Again this is more so commercial growers, and LARGE orders, I would never be worried, and I usually just get a buddy to give me a ride to the hydro shop anyway.



Well-Known Member
..... I just don't get it. There is nothing illegal about hydro shops or purchasing from hydro shops. The fuzz just doesn't have the time or drive to sit outside one to pick off license plate numbers of people who go in and out of stores, nor do they have the legal authority to do so. Can the cops sit outside a gun store and get your plates if you walk out of there with more than one gun, you could be a criminal or terrorist? Can the cops follow you home from the head shop because you are leaving with a bong, you could be smoking out of it later that night. Shit... If you need supplies and you have a hydro store local to you, use it.


Well-Known Member
..... I just don't get it. There is nothing illegal about hydro shops or purchasing from hydro shops. The fuzz just doesn't have the time or drive to sit outside one to pick off license plate numbers of people who go in and out of stores, nor do they have the legal authority to do so. Can the cops sit outside a gun store and get your plates if you walk out of there with more than one gun, you could be a criminal or terrorist? Can the cops follow you home from the head shop because you are leaving with a bong, you could be smoking out of it later that night. Shit... If you need supplies and you have a hydro store local to you, use it.

The difference between gun and hydro stores is people buying guns are doing it legally. People who are at hydro shops are buying LEGAL equipment for ILLEGAL use. Like I said its more so for commercial growers. If you were already under any suspicion it would be a great place for cops to start when forming an investigation. Its not the gear they bust you for, they just want to find out where the gear is going.

Its pretty damn obvious when young people, 20-25 years old buying 20 blocks of soil and loading up there new 2009 F-150.

Im not saying be paranoid, just be safe. If your not a commercial grower, then you have NOTHING to worry about from hydro stores.

If I was a cop, I would go hang outside the Hydro store right after it closes all the time. The first hour or 2 after the store closes theres ALWAYS people picking up pallets of soil, and larger orders out of the garage door. At least at the place I go to.



Well-Known Member
The difference between gun and hydro stores is people buying guns are doing it legally. People who are at hydro shops are buying LEGAL equipment for ILLEGAL use.

**sigh** There is no way for a cop to determine based on what you are purchasing at a store, what your intent for those purchases are. Not everyone who walks out of a gun store is going to do something illegal, but some will. Just like not everyone who walks out of a hydro shop will be growing MJ. There is not a judge in the world who will write up a warrant to the cop who tells him "I saw a young kid who looks like he grows pot walking out of the hydro shop with $5000 worth of gear, here is his license plate number."

Also, Commercial Growers don't get caught because they hit up their local store, they get caught because there are large sums of drugs being trafficked in and out of their house. Cops follow tips, leads, busts, and confessions. They don't hang outside of legitimate businesses and follow people home.

My point isn't to talk down to people, its just to bring some common sense to the thread.


Well-Known Member
**sigh** There is no way for a cop to determine based on what you are purchasing at a store, what your intent for those purchases are. Not everyone who walks out of a gun store is going to do something illegal, but some will. Just like not everyone who walks out of a hydro shop will be growing MJ. There is not a judge in the world who will write up a warrant to the cop who tells him "I saw a young kid who looks like he grows pot walking out of the hydro shop with $5000 worth of gear, here is his license plate number."

Also, Commercial Growers don't get caught because they hit up their local store, they get caught because there are large sums of drugs being trafficked in and out of their house. Cops follow tips, leads, busts, and confessions. They don't hang outside of legitimate businesses and follow people home.

My point isn't to talk down to people, its just to bring some common sense to the thread.

Maybe its different where you live... Several warehouses were busted with huge grows. They were buying their soil and driving it strait to the warehouse that was like 2 blocks from the grow shop.

Like I said, if your not a commercial grower you got nothing to worry about. But if your buying pallets of soil and your not taking them to a legit business (like a greenhouse). I also did say if you were already under suspicion. Cops here have lists of suspected growers, why wouldnt the drug task force have someone sit there for a day, One of the people on the list shows up and boom.

When the owner of the Hydro shop is in High Times magazine for growing its a little bit of a suspicious store. Again, Im not saying everywhere, and I clearly said if your not a commercial grower dont worry.

But commercial growers should be careful as hell when they are resupplying from the same hydro store all the time. And if your resupplying a commercial size grow, never go from the hydro store strait to the grow show.

I agree with common sense, but if you start ruling out possibilities as "that would never happen to me" then your on your way to getting busted.

I am definitely not saying be paranoid about buying from your hydro shop either, I clearly said that as well. Yes cops follow tips, and leads, and a hydro shop is a GREAT place to get a lead.



Active Member
Some of the worries are where you live and what goes on around you. If people get that worried have your boy who doesn't grow give you a ride our take his car. Smart and aware people know what to do and what not to. If you get caught you deserve it for bonehead mistake. One rule is to always pay in cash or if ordering online pay your boy cash and have him use his card.


Well-Known Member
Y would a cop sit outside a hydro shop?????

When he/she could be in a nice office,,,lookin at u,,,VIA a cammer??

i can count 4 cammer's that are all around the hydro shop in MY town.

How's that to add to the paranoia???? lol lol


Well-Known Member
The usual answer is yes. But even from a hydro shop?

I can't believe it, but there is a store specializing in hydroponics in my city. I haven't actually been there, I didn't even know it existed, but their website leads me to believe its rather big, and they have a ton of stuff. In fact, I could get everything I need from this one place, assuming my location has it all in stock.

Items I would be picking up all at once:

4 Pumps - EcoPlus 396
Many 2in Net Pots
Many 2in Neoprene Collars
Many EZ Clone Sprayers
Rapid Rooter mat
Roll of mylar
4 inline fans
Clonex solution
Repeat Cycle Timer
PPM meter
pH meter

When I get my paycheck in 2 weeks, I'll be going back for the following and whatever else I've realized I've forgotten:

Sun Shield™Reflector Heat Shield
400 HPS bulb
400w HPS ballast

I think this is highly suspicious, but these are the types of products they sell! Its not illegal to buy this stuff, right! I'll be paying with cash too. Should I worry?
Sorry LVsFINEST but in my mind thats not a big order,, from what people have posted u will know what and what not to do, Good LUCK with ya grow!


Well-Known Member
I actually went there today just to get a feel for the place and pick up only a few items. Well, I met the owner and he was tight as hell. I ended up buying everything I could remember I needed. Wish I would have brought my damn list. Anyway, they only had 1 6in fan left, and the owner offered to have one overnighted from his supplier for me. Plus he gave me a free T-Shirt before I left. I'll be going back there for everything.


Well-Known Member
Y would a cop sit outside a hydro shop?????

When he/she could be in a nice office,,,lookin at u,,,VIA a cammer??

i can count 4 cammer's that are all around the hydro shop in MY town.

How's that to add to the paranoia???? lol lol

This is so true, my hydro shop is down in the warehouse complex side of town. I always notice the building right across the street has no signs, no markings, and all the windows are covered. I thought it was a grow, but after all the other grows in the area got busted now Im not so sure.

I totally wouldnt be surprised if the cops rented an office with a window and set up a camera...Why not right?

Im not worried about it, my grow is way too small time, But its definitely something to consider.
