larger setups


Active Member
So, curious to know if anyone around here has or is running 16+ 1000watt lights? I have been talking with some friends and we are looking into do a larger setup like that and was curious to know if anyone here has had any experience with something on that scale? Was also wondering if i need to worry about PG&E? I live in Cali. And we are looking for locations. Anyone have any suggestions? Warehouse? Rental garage?

A little about the setup. 16 1000Watt HPS litghts in vented hoods. 4 100watt mH for the veg and rooting. 10 inline cooling fans for the hoods. Two AC units. 3 Dehumitifers, 4 fresh air intake fans. 6 Exhaust fans. We are talking about doing it in a 20x20 ft section.

So ya, anyone have any input that might be helpful?


Well-Known Member
and also, you might want to think about the fact that that will be hundreds of dollars monthly to run just that shit, so you better have a good explanation as to why a warehouse-rental shop would need that kind of power running 12-18 hrs a day everyday even on weekends and all that? but hey thats just me and im a paranoid fucker, but in my mind, your gettin caught like 2 months in, or you will go broke from the power bill, but hey just do it like the i would and take power from neighbours and split it with a line to your shit (if you are elctrically inclined, and a risk taker)so the cops dont notice the bill!


Well-Known Member
im just saying thats a crazy ass idea to think of, and not already be in the motion of doing i mean a setup like that takes PERFECTION to pull off, cause someone is gonna notice if a 2 year VACANT lot with nothin probably about ot be demolished suddenly gets purchased by some randoms, and then has A HUGE power bill? cops will be there within weeks if it was out here, no question and im in canada, i dont know how cali is but im sure youll get busted tryna pull off a 6 digit operation like that out of nowhere, if not robbed?


Well-Known Member
i live in kali also.... warehouse grow ops seem to get busted alot around here. couple dayz ago people got caught doin that.... but only kuz of unpaid electricity bills. pay ur shit n ur aight here in kali. NO rental or storage garages. owner n employees kan access at n e tyme.


Active Member
you have a much better chance at being caught if you steal power then if you just pay for it, pay for it on time and the power company donst give a fuck about how much you use


Active Member
so far i haver ran 4 100 watts at once. I have the funding and cash to do it. its going to be about 2500$ a month for power. THe cash for the first three-4 mothns is not a problem. I have done a total of 68 plants at once on a indoor house setup. Im looking to do about 400 plants.


Well-Known Member
daqmn man thats a big ass setup 1 400 watt HPS takes 12 dfollars to run mothly so so 400 at 12 dollars a month 12X2=24 400divided in half to make 200 watts equal half the money so 30 dollars per 1000wat 30X16= 480$ in lites alone and u still got 4 100watt mH 10 inline cooling fans for the hoods. Two AC units. 3 Dehumitifers, 4 fresh air intake fans. 6 Exhaust fans. to add to the electric bill but damyum mang i dont know nutt in bout calin but that sound like ur gunna have a shitload of plants and YEAH that an expensive bill look up some info on the others around u and see there bill so u can kinda even urs out with there like there paying as much as u are on the elec bill so no one will get suspicious


Active Member
ya we figured that it would be roughly 2k-2.5k a month for electricity. We would be flowering roughly 400 plants.


Well-Known Member
First off 20x20 is way way way to small for 16 1000w lights. 4 would be plenty 8 MAX I would say.

Stay away from warehouses, they may seem like a good idea but usually arent.

Stop talking about it with ANYONE the #1 way big time grows get busted is by rats and word of mouth. Who wouldnt wanna have a giant grow show? Its a nice thing to have and it can be hard to keep it a secret.

Loading warehouses can also be a huge issue, you would need a major front, a work shop with real employees who have no idea of the grow.

If your running anything over 6 lights it will Definitely be worth it to invest in some 4000 w or larger generators. Gas is expensive but running generators will still be WAY cheaper than the powerbill. You will need a generator house with insane exhause if it isnt outside which it should be.

A house with a shed would be a much better option in my opinion, I would much rather light up a basement, run your chords through some 8" PVC to the shed and burry that shit.

check out Youtube. See how much you can grow under 6 lights, if you did 6 lights do 2 rooms for flowering so the power is running 24 hours a day instead of spikes for 12 that nothing for 12.

Theres no real grow guide, or proper way or one right way to do a big grow op. Making long term plans is bad news because things change daily. You are Always going to have to have a backup plan, how fast can you get everything out and is it in your name? These are some of the things you should be thinking about.

Im in BC, canada, and a bunch of multi million dollar grow shows in warehouses got roasted. It was a CI (confidential informant) like in most major grow busts.

Anyways think this all through, in Al.Bs guide on how to NOT grow weed one of the things on there is dont get stoned and plan on being a weed baron, it wont happen you will end up in jail.

Also have you thought about what it takes to get that many female plants? Have your started growing mothers? You will need a lot of mothers ready to clone before you even consider flowering.

Im not trying to rain on your parade or anything, just make sure you think about this before attempting anything. You might be a lot better off setting up 2 grow houses in different locations 8 lights each, 2 flowering rooms each. That would probably produce a lot more, better product in the long run than one giant grow.

And if your gonna try and do that much at once, you have to know what your doing 100% of the time, I would hate to see 400 plants turn out shit or hermie out, and if one gets bugs they all get it.

You will be much better off with several smaller flowering rooms.

Hope this helps a bit, do as much research as you can before even attempting something like this. Even buying that many lights at once would scare me, dont drive anything strait to the show.
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Well-Known Member
/\ good advice up there. also, have you even grown before? if you havent, you should scale down your op. how do you plan on trimming 16000w worth of bud?

on a side note, 16 lights in that area can work if cooled properly and the celing is high.


Well-Known Member
Also if you got 100k to set up a massive grow op.....why not take the 100k and do something LEGIT..??? Put a big down payment on a forclosure, make sure its got a good structure, then just renoe it. I dunno, maybe its just me I grew up in construction so I could see a lot of profit a lot easier and its legit.

And if your real smart, buy forclosure, must be solid structurally or its a total waste of cash. Gut the house, start the renovations, first thing you will do is build a room in the basement, 20x20 would be Easy to make airtight in a house basement. Grow your crop, finish the renoe, and sell the house.

Its nice to make thousands off the chronic, but it sucks when you cant put it in a bank or somewhere safe. Real estate is the way to go, even if your just laundering money. You own a condo, your payments are say 600, you rent for 1200 but claim you rent for 2000, every month you are Banking Cash that Noone can steal, or take away if your crops get busted, multiply this over 10-15 condos and after about 5 years you dont need to grow, you build up a solid net worth.

Anyways enough rambling, It just seems like a HUGE fucking investment, and the reward in this case really wouldnt outway the risk.

If you can afford 1 warehouse, grow in 3 houses. That way if one gets busted it doesnt even matter theres 2 more so you never lose all your numbers and theres always babies to fill up a new flowering room.


Well-Known Member
is that 68 plants flowering at one time?....thats what I wanna know.....if you are on here sking us about a grow of this magnitude then you are nowhere near experienced to take care of that number of plants let alone evade the police by paying for it at the same time...good luck dude....I wanna see pics till the day it goes down.....sorry to be so negative on it....and a 20x20.....what the fuck is's tiny for that kind of op:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Also if you got 100k to set up a massive grow op.....why not take the 100k and do something LEGIT..??? Put a big down payment on a forclosure, make sure its got a good structure, then just renoe it. I dunno, maybe its just me I grew up in construction so I could see a lot of profit a lot easier and its legit.

And if your real smart, buy forclosure, must be solid structurally or its a total waste of cash. Gut the house, start the renovations, first thing you will do is build a room in the basement, 20x20 would be Easy to make airtight in a house basement. Grow your crop, finish the renoe, and sell the house.

Its nice to make thousands off the chronic, but it sucks when you cant put it in a bank or somewhere safe. Real estate is the way to go, even if your just laundering money. You own a condo, your payments are say 600, you rent for 1200 but claim you rent for 2000, every month you are Banking Cash that Noone can steal, or take away if your crops get busted, multiply this over 10-15 condos and after about 5 years you dont need to grow, you build up a solid net worth.

Anyways enough rambling, It just seems like a HUGE fucking investment, and the reward in this case really wouldnt outway the risk.

If you can afford 1 warehouse, grow in 3 houses. That way if one gets busted it doesnt even matter theres 2 more so you never lose all your numbers and theres always babies to fill up a new flowering room.

yea this is some good shit man wrather than takin the risk u should juss do this


Active Member
i appriciate the info. I was basing the numbers off of what i grow currently. I flower 16 plants in a 4x4 section with a 1000 watt light. SO far currently i have been doing 4 1000 watts in my home with a total of about 64 flowring. and then about 140 rooting and i have 12 mothers.

i did look into generators, and you are right that they are cheaper buying fuel than paying the electricity. they cost about 1/3 less than PG&E.

I have been growing indoors for about 5 years now, and the only reason i wanted to ask here is because i wanted others experiences. Trust me i personally think this has more potential to fail, and fail badly than success. However, my name isnt on anything, and all im doing in gardening. Im not playing with my money, or my houses, or anything like that. This is a idea a friend put together. Im feeling it out.


Active Member
oh forgot, one quick question. How large of a area do you think you can effectivly grow under with a 1000 watt HPS? I am ushing Vented and sealed hoods. The sun system hoods.


Well-Known Member
You will need to have lots of drying room also.....aswell as incredible patience with trimming!!! Days of snip, snip, snip...............yawn!


Well-Known Member
1000w is usually most efficient over a 5x5 space, depending on the hood it could be larger, up to 5x7 or even more if its babies on the edge.


Well-Known Member
First off 20x20 is way way way to small for 16 1000w lights. 4 would be plenty 8 MAX I would say.

Stay away from warehouses, they may seem like a good idea but usually arent.

Stop talking about it with ANYONE the #1 way big time grows get busted is by rats and word of mouth. Who wouldnt wanna have a giant grow show? Its a nice thing to have and it can be hard to keep it a secret.

Loading warehouses can also be a huge issue, you would need a major front, a work shop with real employees who have no idea of the grow.

If your running anything over 6 lights it will Definitely be worth it to invest in some 4000 w or larger generators. Gas is expensive but running generators will still be WAY cheaper than the powerbill. You will need a generator house with insane exhause if it isnt outside which it should be.

A house with a shed would be a much better option in my opinion, I would much rather light up a basement, run your chords through some 8" PVC to the shed and burry that shit.

check out Youtube. See how much you can grow under 6 lights, if you did 6 lights do 2 rooms for flowering so the power is running 24 hours a day instead of spikes for 12 that nothing for 12.

Theres no real grow guide, or proper way or one right way to do a big grow op. Making long term plans is bad news because things change daily. You are Always going to have to have a backup plan, how fast can you get everything out and is it in your name? These are some of the things you should be thinking about.

Im in BC, canada, and a bunch of multi million dollar grow shows in warehouses got roasted. It was a CI (confidential informant) like in most major grow busts.

Anyways think this all through, in Al.Bs guide on how to NOT grow weed one of the things on there is dont get stoned and plan on being a weed baron, it wont happen you will end up in jail.

Also have you thought about what it takes to get that many female plants? Have your started growing mothers? You will need a lot of mothers ready to clone before you even consider flowering.

Im not trying to rain on your parade or anything, just make sure you think about this before attempting anything. You might be a lot better off setting up 2 grow houses in different locations 8 lights each, 2 flowering rooms each. That would probably produce a lot more, better product in the long run than one giant grow.

And if your gonna try and do that much at once, you have to know what your doing 100% of the time, I would hate to see 400 plants turn out shit or hermie out, and if one gets bugs they all get it.

You will be much better off with several smaller flowering rooms.

Hope this helps a bit, do as much research as you can before even attempting something like this. Even buying that many lights at once would scare me, dont drive anything strait to the show.
are u a fuckin idiot bro, a gas generator to run that much wattage would be about 2000 bucks a month and u say thats cheaper than the power company ? your so stupid to think generators would be cheaper ? at $4.50 a gallon would cost to run that much wattage is INSANE, think twice b4 talking, i think your foot is so far in your mouth right now that i dont think your gonna be able to get it out.