Largest amount smoked in a single sitting>


Active Member
I'm kind of a n00b on this board, but iwas just wondering what the largest amount of ganja you guys have smoked in a single sitting?

For me and 4 other friends hot boxed the shit out of my buddies cadillac. For 3 hours we sat in there smoking a 16 gram blunt of some dank off nug. All i know is that i was high as fuck. I can imagine that if you drove by it appeared as if there was nothing but smoke in the car. We could bearly see out side. That is probably the highest i've ever been.


Well-Known Member
ummm, 10 to 15 grams within 3 or so hours tryin to chain smoke...i made sure to have cookies and a ton of food too....i was so fucked....


Well-Known Member
When I was in High school we went to the drive-in movie ( yes, I am old ) to see robinhood:men in tights ( don't ask ). This guy put a bunch of zig zags together and rolled up a whole ounce. We burned it off and throughout the movie. 3 of us.

Probably not the biggest joint of all time, but it was gnarly.


Well-Known Member
I just got totally distracted by shamegame's beard that I totally forgot where I was and what I was doing. im back now, and the most Ive smoked in a single sitting was like 3 quarters and a "hand full" as the dealer ran down the street carrying a huge bag full of weed, between 4 people


Active Member
On my own, about a dub. With other people, lord fuckin knows how much weed gets passed around.

Anyway, I usually dont like to smoke too much at once. I like to preserve my supplies. But, ya know, sometimes you just wanna get blazed as fuck.