Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

I was flipping through the old back pages of the journal last night and something struck me. It's the guys that were sucking my dick the hardest at first that ended up as my worst flamers. Moral of the story? Beware the Cocksucker.

And I especially think all the 'indignant voices of morality' that criticize me after a flame war are priceless. You ever click around the threads here? Real refined class, huh? Yet this place becomes this delicate China shop of proper goodness every time I get into a flame war? Bullshit. This site is a fucking free-for-all and everyone knows it. There are too many illiterate retards on these boards to count... and how many of them are the same person? I mean, look at this fucking place... So anyone pointing fingers at me can go fuck themselves.

And for those of you who used to be my fans but are no longer because of my 'immoral behavior,' look in the mirror before casting stones.

But there are a few of you who are the exception. You've shown me nothing but positivity through thick and thin and have stuck with me even through my worst moments. You know who you are. And I thank you.
Hey, kids. Fun fact time.

RIU has verified beyond any shadow of a doubt that people, by and large, can't read and write to save their mother-loving lives. The United States ranks appallingly low on the national education index, so it doesn't surprise me to see post after post, thread after thread of the most inane illiterate monkey shit from our people. But from the look of it, you lot aren't doing any better across the pond. Lol.

Yeah, yeah... Americans are stupid. Let's all have a laugh at the stupid Americans. Shit, you people from the UK can't even write in your own language.

I would say close to 80% of the posters on this site need remedial English. Hey, don't fuckin' look at me like that. Just click around the site. Tell me what you see.

Howz dat ya crzy boners? Bomb-azz dope-azz, huh brah?

I've observed that Canadian posters sound the least stupid. (But not by much. So don't go congratulating yourselves too much.)

Edit 2:
Of course you (person reading this) are among the 20%. Kiss, kiss. -- Oh, wait. Except for you, you.... and you. And wait, yeah, you too. Lol.
Well then it's a good thing this site is about cannabis growing and not cock-sucking, isn't it? They all say unsubbing, but continue to lurk every day. I didn't even know you were subbed in the first place.

Why are you here, Don? This has nothing to do with you. But since you're here insulting me, I would like to ask what this person you've never met means to you? And have you nothing to say about this cunt flaming me over and over and over again? Nothing to say about the fact that this was all in self-defense?

No! Please come back! What am I going to do? Don Gin and Ton unsubbed me... Oh, despair.

I think all you people with a million posts need to take a breather and remember that there's a real world out there with real people in it. I mean, come on... go out and get SOME exercise. That's why you're all pasty and flabby.

So you've exchanged inane banter with another user in another part of the world on a message board. Is this person really your friend? Do you really know this person? No. You've warped your sense of reality by spending too much time on message boards. So get a grip.

Let me put it to you this way. If the two of you were in a room together, it would be awkward silence between strangers who are friends only in the land of keyboards and monitors, where you're safe from the real world. That's reality.

they mean little to me, as do you, cocksucking?! haha i give credit where it's due, you grow well. i care not for flame wars. i just thought you'd been going on like a dick to someone so i said so. end of. no keyboard warrior. no need to keep editting and adding. were all here for one thing to feed our own narcissistic tendencies. so carry on as you were.

also you could apply all those three edits to yourself.
they mean little to me, as do you, cocksucking?! haha i give credit where it's due, you grow well. i care not for flame wars. i just thought you'd been going on like a dick to someone so i said so. end of. no keyboard warrior. no need to keep editting and adding. were all here for one thing to feed our own narcissistic tendencies. so carry on as you were.

also you could apply all those three edits to yourself.

"Carry on as you were?" Dude, are you for read? You're fucking defending the biggest fucking flaming troll freak not only on this site, but on others as well. The more you 'come to his defense' the stupider you look. So quit while you're ahead.

How is it that you're commenting in a thread you unsubbed?
Sub, unsub. Do as you please. We're all adults here.

And I'm not forcing anyone to look at this. I'm only doing it so that you can make the choice yourself.

And let's be honest. You're gonna 'boycott' me because I flamed the ultimate troll who flamed me first. Go ahead. Boycott. Like there's so much other quality content here.
No more just a quick fuck you.

The brilliant retort of yet another borderline illiterate Brit frustrated that he just can't find the words or formulate the thought.

What a troll. Birds of a feather. Where's your positivity and compassion now? These guys always end up flaming me. It's like an uncontrollable urge. Once a troll who spends every moment of his life on the internet, always one.

See, YOU'RE invading MY space and violating forum rules. Do you get that dynamic?

Now will you please go back to your retarded chat room? God, can a person's avatar be any more annoying? That's a fucking troll avatar if I ever saw one.

Moderators? Your work is never done here.

Oh, and it looks like you have a lurking fairy that likes you. That's some of the worst pussy shit I've seen on this site. Probably you with a fake profile liking your own comment.
Good news! I just met two really hot blonde girls on my way to work. Turns out that they're both makeup artists who could model themselves (I see it all the time). They both had their kits in hand and were headed to yet another course to further their already impressive resumes. Well a quick wink and a hello was all it took! They're both quite thrilled to be helping me with Friday's Carly shoot. And they haven't even seen my portfolio yet! When you got it, you got. Lol. :D

And according to one of them, they do everything together. Awesome.

Now will Jin be able to get them in front of the lens? Hmmm... that's the next challenge. Since these two look like models themselves, they could be my non-nude 'flower girls' who pose for my camera as hostesses to my blog... introducing all the featured models they work on. Yes, ideas coming together by the moment. Wonder if they smoke weed? Bet you anything they do. Guess we'll find out Friday.

Ah, life in LA.
It turns out my two blonde hottie makeup artists are Canadian! You mean they're not LA blondes? This is getting better by the moment. I love Canadians!
It turns out my two blonde hottie makeup artists are Canadian! You mean they're not LA blondes? This is getting better by the moment. I love Canadians!
Canadians are the best thing since sliced bread, I am jamaican and had to come to Alberta to get me a smokin hot Canadian girl; who knows how to tend BUD! :lol:

I'm on board, more Candians for LJ

Canadians are the best thing since sliced bread, I am jamaican and had to come to Alberta to get me a smokin hot Canadian girl; who knows how to tend BUD! :lol:

I'm on board, more Candians for LJ


Nice. Thanks, brother. Yeah, I have a whole new appreciation for Canadian women instantly. Get this, they're both blonde, hot, and not dumb. What do you all think of that?
The brilliant retort of yet another borderline illiterate Brit frustrated that he just can't find the words or forumulate the thought.

What a troll. Birds of a feather. Where's your positivity and compassion now? These guys always end up flaming me. It's like an uncontrollable urge. Once a troll who spends every moment of his life on the internet, always one.

See, YOU'RE invading MY space and violating forum rules. Do you get that dynamic?

Now will you please go back to your retarded chat room? God, can a person's avatar be any more annoying? That's a fucking troll avatar if I ever saw one.

Moderators? Your work is never done here.

Oh, and it looks like you have a lurking fairy that likes you. That's some of the worst pussy shit I've seen on this site. Probably you with a fake profile liking your own comment.
just the reaction i was looking for. thank you and goodnight.
just the reaction i was looking for. thank you and goodnight.

Unsubbed, no more. One more, wait. Just this. I'm out. No more. wait.

Did you come here to show these people that if you flame my journal I'll take your head off? Like people don't know that already.

Don't you think you should stop now, Flabby?
I just went outside. The sun is shining. There's a breeze blowing. And pretty girls seem to be all around town. The world looks just perfect right now.

Oh, yeah... and I'm still high as fuck on this lovely Tahoe I grew.

Long live Canada!