Laserbrn - Back to Hydro!!!!


Well-Known Member
The setup: 2 - 4x4 tent's. One for Veg, one for Flower

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2x4 hydro tray with 25 gallon reservoir
~400w - T5HO

Flower: 3x3 hydro tray with 40 gallon reservoir
1000w Digital (Dimmable) HPS

Nutrients: I've chosen DynaGro for this go around. I have used AN and GH in the past and I'm giving this one a try. Looking at the labels it seems like this product is the most complete at the price tag at the hydro shop was pretty appealing. I talked to the guy at the shop and he said it is not terribly popular, but he was interested in hearing about my results. I am sticking with Cal Mag Plus because I already have it and I don't see Cal listed on the ingredients for the Dyna-Gro Mag Pro.

The guy at the hydro shop also through in this free small bottle of Foliage Pro because he doesn't carry the larger bottels and again wanted some feedback on the product. To be honest it looks more balanced and better than the Liquid Grow product. 9-3-6 sounds more like "grow" nutrients than the 7-9-5 so if the liquid grow sucks in veg I will switch.

Dyna-Gro - Liquid Grow - Liquid Bloom - ProTekt - Botanicare Cal Mag +

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I purchased a new tri-meter as my old on is just that...old. I've had it a long time and I've had various problems with it over the years. It was a cheapo nutri-dip knock off so it was time to replace it. I bought this Bluelabs Guardian monitor after reseraching a bit yesterday and finding good reviews on this unit. If anyone has any input on this meter, please feel free to share. As far as I'm concerned, the jury is out. @ $300.00 this meter is a bit on the pricey side, but it looks nice and seems well built. A lot better than my previous meter.

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Strains: I didn't have a chance to order seeds before getting this started so I'm going to go with seeds that I already have.
13 - White Russian
1 - Violator Kush (Feminized)
3 - Chronic
1 - Kushage

It's not the most glamourous line up, but I have them in my stash so that is what I'm going to do. I was actually really happy with the WR on my last grow with it, I only got 4 females and I wasn't really setup at the time for cloning and doing a perpetual kind of deal. Now I am so really I'm just searching amongst these beans for a mother that will work going forward. If none of these blow me away then we'll start all over.Here is a pic of the 4 females from the first go around of WR in soil just to get the taste buds flowing and help you understand what we're going for here.

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Thanks for following along, I'll try to add photos and details as things get under way.


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard fella's. The seeds are already in the rockwool starter cubes, so we are just waiting on some sprouts. The goal here is DONKEY DICK This is a hobby for me and for some reason that shit must makes me smile. When you can hold them like footballs on harvest day!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for following along. I don't usually start my journal this early....not much to report yet. I've got some sprouts. Looks like so far 2 beans haven't germinated/sprouted. The 1 Kushage (whatever the hell that strain is anyway) and one of the White Russians.

Everybody else has poked out and said "Hello".

I have my T5 ~20" off the tops of the little seedlings right now. Lights are on 24/0. Obviously no nutrients to speak of yet.

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Well-Known Member
Man.. i have been really curious about Dyna-Grow nutes. Homebrewer on this site has done comparisons of AN, GH, and DG and he swears by the Dyna grow. Will be interesting to see another perspective. Very recently started using that protekt in my res and i gotta say i like the effects so far!