Last 2 weeks of flowering


New Member
Hi I'm wondering are the trim leaves supposed to finish off by turning brown? Does that mean the plant has used everything up and is ready? I know about the clear trichomes turning cloudy then to amber already. Im just more wondering about the plant itself showing signs of finishing. Should it die evenly? I haven't found hardly anything about the technological side of the last two weeks. Would appreciate the information!

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Trim leaves are not supposed to turn brown, but with 2 weeks left you should be fine.

Sounds like you're trying to starve or "flush" the plants... and I've always wondered what I'm misssing (if anything) - as I've always harvested green plants (so I don't know how it should look dying).
I do taper off the feeding at the end, but I don't "kill" the plant. I'll try that with one plant this time, and see if the cured product is any better.

In general, I'm very interested in the "harvest-window", even after years of growing I still find harvest-timing hard.


New Member
Well I've had alot of problems with ph this harvest. I just got a new meter and things are getting much better and plants are turning around. I just wonder I thought its part of the process for it to die and turn somewhat brown leaves because it uses up all the last of its nitrogen and any nutes still left in dirt. This is just what I think and lol asking because I really have no idea. Its so crazy everyone has do much info but the last 2 weeks (most important) are not as easy to find information or pictures. Like is it supposed to finish the way a tomato plant does when fall comes? Just wish I knew the actual process of it all...

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