Last chance for help


So this plant has been giving me trouble for like two or three weeks now, and no one seems to be able to help, and i cant find anything anywhere.

all the big fan leaves now are dead from this, and now smaller and smaller ones are being affected. it starts with brown crispy spots forming and then eventually yellowing before the whole leaf dies.

I cant figure this out and im so sick of worrying about it, ive flushed it with three gallons of water, that seems to do nothing, i tried giving it more nutes, nothing, im keeping the ph as constant as possible (about 6.5) and i just dont know what to do anymore, if no one can help then i think im just gonna cut her down and start over

Im willing to give more details if needed, i know exactly everything ive done so i can tell you. thanks for any help


Active Member
Ok.. well whats your nute lineup? how often are you feeding? what strength?

what stage of the life cycle are you in?

i wouldnt cut her down, i mean, she may not produce the best yield she would otherwise, but why waste?

you're probably making things worse by the flushing, then throwing a bunch of nutes at it without knowing what the problem is. Called nutrient antagonism --

without knowing more of your daily activities, i cant offer much help


Well-Known Member
my first step when i dont know whats wronge is to just flush then do nothing for a weed or 2. you have to understand that the damaged leafs are not gonig to heal. your looking at the new growth. do the new leafs show damage after the flush? if so do they match the looks of a plant lacking nutes? heat stress? no point cutting it down just understand how it works. you may want to prun it so that the plant can focus on producing new growth that isent damaged.


Active Member
exactly what he said.

why did you choose 3 gallons of water? are you growing in 1 gal pots? I think the recommended ratio is 3 gals per each 1 gal of container size. You can also pick up a salt leacher, like Clearex.


Okay well first of all i want to thank everyone for their input.

Now, my nute line up is pretty simple, General Organics Grow and then for flowering i use Bloom. The suggested feeding for Gen. Org. is two teaspoons per gallon of water with every feeding, and it says you can go up to four teaspoons for a heavy feeding with every watering. I havent even gotten to give it full strength before i saw signs of over fertilization, the most I've added was one teaspoon to a gallon of water. i usually water every 72 hours just about, unless of course it shows that it needs it, and i havent even been able to give it fertilizer in back to back wterings because it kept showing signs of what i thought were over fert.

Then i decided to flush it with three gallons of water becaues i am in a one gallon pot, the last gallon i gave it 1/4 strength nutrients. it never really seemed to turn around, just halted for a few days before it started getting worse again. A friend had suggested it maybe being something with phosphuros, and even tho i thought for sure it wasnt that, the last watering i gave it a half teaspoon grow, and a half teaspoon bloom in a gallon of water then gave it probably half that gallon, i dont know if this was smart or not.

well this is where i am at now, its about ready for another watering and its looking pretty yellow right now so i think ill give it a good feeding of the grow, and assuming i dont have lock out, see what happens. thanks again for any help, and any additional input will deff be considered and appreciated. Peace!