Last indoor grow.... come take a peek


Well-Known Member
hi guys, been floating on here a while now and have established myself in the 250w club. im starting this thread so i can keep track of where im at and with what.

im using a 250w MH bulb to veg with and ill be switching to hps a week after i drop to 12/12 to try and help keep the stretch down a bit. i started on 18/6 and have been gradually working the lights down over the last 4 weeks so im now down to 14/10 so roughly about 2 more weeks of veg till im at the good bit :)

i have a few different strains on the go and a few different mediums and even a couple different techniques on each plant.

first one is ak48, in coco and ive been using lucas formula for veg and will be switching to dutch pro a+b for flower. ive attempted to mainline this plant and am happy with the results so far. ive only gone for 4 tops as im growing 5 plants under the 250w and dont wanna out do the light but 4 very symmetrical tops have emerged and they look good.

next in coco as well is amnesia haze. not doing anything to this just letting it go wild and hoping it works, same nutes and same schedule.

next i took a few clones off of my last plant which was white widow and i ended up left with one very small one which is now bushy as hell and i have topped and trimmed this, i have about 5 stems now which start 1/2" from the soil (using soil for this by the way) which i have recently transplanted into plagron light mix. for this plant im just letting it use the nutes in the soil for the next fortnight then ill be switching to canna terra.

and my last one is an auto. ak47. i know its recommended to use 18/6 but i just wanted to see if i could improve on my first try with these as i grew 4 and only got 44g.

and when i topped the ak48 i put the cutting straight into some baby bio rooting hormone and into a 7.5ltr pot of plagron light mix. she rooted in 10 days and is slowing growing but she wont be in the slightest bit ready when i switch but im not bothered if i only get 1g from it as its surplus.

im growing in a 50x180x180cm built in wardrobe with 2 120mm pc fans for extraction. my temps run at about 27-28c at the high point but if i crack a window in my bedroom they stay at a steady 20.9c or 69f. this being winter and all. summer was a nightmare in this space but i never went over 29c so im cool. i have the walls & floor lined with a space blanket, its a bit crinkled but it helps.

im using straight tap water, no ph testers no tds no nothing fancy. i figured if its good enough for me to drink then its good enough for my plants. i have a dropper kit for emergencies but i hardly ever use it. tap water is 6.5ph and the gh flora hardwater nutes drop it to an acceptable level for hydro/coco.

i will post some decent individual pics in the next day or 2 so stay tuned. i will post regularly as well more for my benefit then anything else....

heres a couple i took yesterday. sorry about the HID lines



Active Member
looking good, i'm doing a side by side comparison with a photo and an auto running 12-12fs, looking forward to see how this grow turns out for you, good luck!


Well-Known Member
looking good, i'm doing a side by side comparison with a photo and an auto running 12-12fs, looking forward to see how this grow turns out for you, good luck!
running an auto with 12.12 will give you shit yield got 18/6 or 20/4


Active Member
that's why I'm doing a side by side comparison, I've grown plenty of autos and since I only see people talk about how running an auto 12-12fs will give you garbage yields, I decided to just see for myself, nothing lost there but a single seed


Well-Known Member
Interested in the co2, is there a hole in the top of the lid or something? How does the co2 get out?


Well-Known Member
im using a piece of air tubing i have it attached to the top of my circulating fan so it blows all over the plants


Well-Known Member
homemade co2 wow, this is why i love this site that amount of mad shit ya find out is gr8, defo look into that :)
Yea there are lots of DIY co2 tutorials online, they usually involve a bottle, tubing, sugar, yeast and water, the best ingredients for this is to use agave nectar and brewing yeast, brewing yeast like champagne yeast produces more co2 than standard baking yeast, the whole process is basically just alcohol fermentation, when the yeast eats the sugar the byproducts are alcohol and co2, the co2 bubbles up in the bottle creating pressure that pushes the co2 through the tube and out into your grow, the most efficent way to do this is to make a co2 lock or co2 bubbler on your bottle, this not only prevents bacteria from getting into your fermentator but you can see the co2 bubbling in the lock as well so you know when to change out the sugar & yeast. Like I said there are lots of DIY co2 plans online but I found this one to be very simple, very effective & very cheap as you probably already have most of the parts at home, check it out: (-->CLICK HERE<--)


Well-Known Member
ok guys well i think im gonna flip tomorrow so ill be posting a pic of each plant with dimensions...... watch this space :)


Active Member
im using a piece of air tubing i have it attached to the top of my circulating fan so it blows all over the plants
this is my next project actually they do work great and the water locks are great to have plus need them for brewing! i just need to make it already have the fan in place here is a pic



Well-Known Member
ok guys well as promised (although a little late)

This is my amnesia. shes grown 3" in 2 days since flip.

this is my semi-mainlined ak48, had a bit of an accident as you can see from the scar in the split but she has recovered well.

this is my leftover white widow clone. topped repeatedly so i have about 6 tops now

and this is my ak47 auto that had a bit of an accident today. i have been using lst with this and tying to the side of the pot. well the string got a bit tight and has topped it so i have taken all string off and am hoping i still get something decent from it.

all opinions and comments welcome. hoping for a nice yield this time :)


Well-Known Member
nobody got anything to say..... :(
Yeah give up and stop growing :)

Lookng very good. Don't worry about the damage, I had 3 plants that I slow vegged and topped for 8 weeks under CFL's. They were the the loveliest bushiest plants i'd grown to date, the 3 in my avatar in fact, picture taken just prior to damage. To 2 days into 12/12 dropped a 16" desk fan on 2 of them (2 seperate accidents a day apart...yes I'm a dumb bastard. THese hit the main T stems from the first top and almost split them off. Help them back in place roughly with some string, and they healed themselves while turning to flower and seem just as healthy and productive as the third untouched one.

I hope after this grow you will be keepiing us updated with your outdoor grow??


Well-Known Member
I think the plants look awesome. I'm sticking with you on this one - want to see the final product!! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Just looking through the pics. Love having a nose at other people's grows..."oh yeah, coke bottle yeast one of those, green lamp CFL's got them..." always makes me double check its not actually my thread and I am just really realy stoned :)