Last questions before I start my Journal!


Active Member
ascs.... Is your name in reference to the Sprint Car ASCS thing? Just curious!

I don't want to be a jerk... Please don't take it that way! It sounds like you have a lot of very basic questions. Questions that should have been answered in any simple first time growers tutorial or grow video. Jorge Cervantes.... Green Man... Search RIU's vast knowledge base and read a good first time how to about 5 times and then post back here and see what you still don't know from that list!

Good Luck! Your on the road to the best smoke of your life! The one you grew yourself!


Active Member
I bought Schultz 10-15-10 plant food, should I still buy soil with a lot of nutrients?
How often do I add the plant food to the water? It says on the box every water but won't that burn the plants?
Is the risk of turning a female plant bad because a male is near it only in flowering or veg also?
Lastly if I grow 3 seeds in the veg do I clone all 3 and put them in the flower room and see if any are male then take that male out of the veg room with the other 2 and kill it.. then redo it with those 2 and look for a male? thanks.
OK slow down young grasshopper lol.that is a very good nutrient to feed and no just basic soil will give your seedlings what they need for a couple let them grow in basic soil for a couple weeks and then start adding nutes (you will learn when they need it do to droopy leaves or just all around lazy growing) A male can only mess up a female plant once the balls form and release pollen.which happens in the flowering stage.and you will want to flower your plants if your not sure their female to see the sex of them and once you see signs of sex you can throw them back in a 24 hour light cycle and re-veg them so they will continue to grow.then I suggest taking your biggest and best female and cloning her and only if you have room for the more plants you plan to clone.dont go HUGE if this is your first grow take baby steps and learn the ins and outs of growing before you try to grow a lot of plants.(your first grow will usually end in disaster from exp.) but its a learning tool and were here to help you every step of the way and I will do whatever I can to help you get a good harvest but it mostly falls into your If you do as all the experienced growers on here tell you then we can help you through this learning process and I will be more than happy to let you in on the secrets of this great and magnificent hobby known as cannabis love and hope for the best for you! :) If you have any concerns then shoot me a message with a concern


Active Member
Just remember to read on this page there is so much knowledge on the web try and learn the basics first ,Happy Farming Cajun