Last Week or Two Flowering, Flush??

lol....iv never flushd cos didnt kno anythin about i kno i do but onli if i over nute....way i c it is like dr fever its natural state growin outside it doesnt all of a sudden stop havin nutes,i really cant see the diff between organic nute or i keep pushin my babies all the way...gettin as much bud production as way am i stoppin nutes a week or two b4
yea but out side in the wild they grow as plant and die and ther main goal is to breed. Yourgrowing to smoke you flush for flavor and taste it gives you a all around better quality product an smoothe taste smoke. I never flushed when I started I stuck with it cause I noticed a diffrence.
yea but out side in the wild they grow as plant and die and ther main goal is to breed. Yourgrowing to smoke you flush for flavor and taste it gives you a all around better quality product an smoothe taste smoke. I never flushed when I started I stuck with it cause I noticed a diffrence.
Ask your local farmer if he flushes anything hes ever grown and see what he tomatoes got the exact same feed as my weed this summer, tasted better than the "organic" ones in the store.

Again it's bizarre how flushing only applies to marijuana.
yea but out side in the wild they grow as plant and die and ther main goal is to breed. Yourgrowing to smoke you flush for flavor and taste it gives you a all around better quality product an smoothe taste smoke. I never flushed when I started I stuck with it cause I noticed a diffrence.

tbh i dont give a shit how good or bad my stuff really poor so id rather have more top quality weed that doesnt taste as good than less weed that does the same but tastes good,if ya get my drift...
tbh i dont give a shit how good or bad my stuff really poor so id rather have more top quality weed that doesnt taste as good than less weed that does the same but tastes good,if ya get my drift...

It won't taste any better with a flush, so its all in the dry and cure.
99 times out of 100 most people dont even know when to chop :)) and for christ sakes a plant will only take as much NPK as it can
everyone talking about flushing yea yea flush go ahead and flush hahahaha like it makes the bud taste better :))
Yup take away the most important time of your plants life the food in the 2 weeks is a grand idea this is what seperates the master growers from the nooobs
this is the difference between making 3 - 4 oz dry per plant if not more then making half that
Depends if you are talking hydro or soil but with hydro I do a water change, ph it and that's it 3 days before harvest. Soil I feed nothing but water last week and day before harvest I flush.

I use bubbleponics (hydro i guess) so you would say 3 days before harvets just use PH'd water??? i totally want to know what is best for this likes and i am worried that if i starve my babys then like the original poster dude said this is when they pack on most and i dont want to mess that up???
Well in previous years i used to flush last two weeks of growing. And now i don't flush at all.. To be honest i can't tell difference in flushing or not
Why do people in hydro pH water for "the flush"? You only pH adjust water to help nutrient uptake. Do people even know why they do what they do most of the time?
thats the trouble wiv this site...theres too many cooks lol...u gotta bcareful who ya listen to....iv had a few balls ups listenin to the wrong people wen i startd out....
so i got some "canna flush" to flush with and the bottle says 1-2 weeks before harvest. anyone used this before? is it any good? the man behind the counter told me using this will boost the yield?
Even if u cure and dry your un flushed weed its not gonna taste the same as a properly flushed plant its a proven fact that It drastically changes the taste and the way it burns to a nice white ash
your telliing me that flushing last 2 weeks is going to get rid of nutes in the bud ?????? thats untrue think about if for a moment took you 100 days to grow adding nutes all along and in last 2 weeks you flush and its all clean as you say it

here guys mention about there weed popping etc or not staying lit :)) could it be it wa never dryed and cured properly to begin with ???
There sure are alot of less experienced forum learners that have cups then I guess. You are one of those guys that will argue a point just to argue and have no regard for the fact that you are spreading bad info. You are a joke and I am done with you. Enjoy your weed. It is obviously alot better than anything most of the rest of us can grow. I am real surprised that High Times isnt beating down your door asking you to do an article on the proper way to grow. Wait aminute no Im not.
I totally agree with your statement that guys a brid lol I've been growing for 8 plus years so I'm not a noob and I've tried both ways and flushing by far is the best way to go
I have found that without a flush the bud does not burn to a clean gray ash, it appears to be more black and charcoal like when there is no flush. Just an observation but it seems like the nutes you feed a plant dont burn too well.
If you don't cure your flowers properly, it doesn't matter if you flushed or not they won't burn well.
Flushing before harvest is a myth IMO. Maybe im wrong but i dont think your nutes effect the taste of the flowers. I have never flushed before harvest, so i could be wrong. Maybe it would do something..... But really, what is it supposedly doing? Water is a precious resource and the amount wasted by needlessly overwatering your plant is disgusting.