Late flowering?


Hello RIU,

I germed and planted a hollands hope (fem seed) around early May, and had it planted outside about the middle of June, nothing fancy just some potting compost and a hole.:P
It's came along great and is now about 5 foot high but hasn't started to flower yet, should I be worried or does that sound right?



bump. I'm pretty worried cos I have another plant, see my profile pic, and it's already 4 weeks into flower! But it was planted roughly the same time as the HH
I don't want her to die half-way into flower when the bad weather hits.


Well-Known Member
Where is the plant (latitude-wise)? And why not post a pic or two? She may be right on the cusp (you know late veg stretch and bud sites poppin' out all over). I have some plants that have just started to show hairs and others that are almost 2 weeks in (along with 2 others that started flowering almost 2 fukin' months I'd give her another week before really stressing. Any chance you can finish her off indoors, if the weather gets really shitty?

Good Luck :peace:


Where is the plant (latitude-wise)? And why not post a pic or two? She may be right on the cusp (you know late veg stretch and bud sites poppin' out all over). I have some plants that have just started to show hairs and others that are almost 2 weeks in (along with 2 others that started flowering almost 2 fukin' months I'd give her another week before really stressing. Any chance you can finish her off indoors, if the weather gets really shitty?

Good Luck :peace:
Hey! The plant is at 53N. I'll get a few pictures up soon, and yeah she has like 5 or 6 new bud sites since the last time I counted, which was about 2 or 3 weeks ago
And well, she's in the ground so idk if it'd be safe pulling her up, but yeah if I could do it without harming her then there's room to put her inside if need be. I'd need to get some lights though!
Thanks for replying btw!


Hope these upload ok, she's either lazy or enjoying the weather a bit too much. There's very good weather expected here soon so maybe she'll start flowering then and take advantage of it!
HH 20th July (20) - Copy.JPG HH - Copy.JPG HH1 - Copy.JPG


Well-Known Member
Gonna be tight, you're still getting like 14 hrs of daylight at that latitude. :shock: Love to see some pics :bigjoint: And there they Other than no flowers, she looks great!

Good Luck :peace:


Gonna be tight, you're still getting like 14 hrs of daylight at that latitude. :shock: Love to see some pics :bigjoint: And there they Other than no flowers, she looks great!

Good Luck :peace:
I never even bothered to pay attention to how many hours of light we're
I'll keep a close eye on it anyways and keep an eye on her. Thanks again!