Late Frost in Northeast USA. What is everyone doing?


Well-Known Member
Well I put my digital temp/rh meter from my grow room out on my back porch. Not sure now accurate it is, but it said the temp only got down to 37, which is 5 to 6 degrees higher than what they were calling for. I'm going out to check on them now and see how they did. I'm gonna snap some pictures off while I'm there.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from checking them and they are fine, except for one. Have my first casualty of the season :sad: .Wasn't the cold that got it though. Not sure what happened exactly. It looked at first like an animal got to it, but nothing was eaten. It was just uprooted. I thinking maybe the wind got it.


maybe a bird pulled it, i bought some frost guard from a garden center for 80 pence a meter but it was 1.2 meter wide, 4 bamboos around each plant fasten the frost guard to the first bamboo wrap it around the others tie it all up with fishing gut. and the frost guard is breathable and also lets sun light through so you can leave it on...
a few weeks back we left them coverd for 1-2 weeks or so and wen we uncover them they where great...
i think i mite cover them all again 2moro if so ill take pics to show how easy and cheap it is,, i think its called reemay in amarica brown dirt worrior uses it on his vid........ it cost us not mutch more than £20 to cover 16 plants and theyr all between18-28" tall
good luk to u all this season hopefully we have a nice summer...


Well-Known Member
Here are mine. Nowhere near the size of yours, but looking good. They are about a month old from seed and have been out for a week now. How old are yours?

I can't believe how much they grew. They pretty much doubled in size in the past week. I kinda messed up with the one in the last pic. It is in a different location than the other 3 and I underestimated how much the tree canopy would grow in. All in all I'm satified so far. Just hope I don't lose anymore!

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Well-Known Member
they are exactly 34 days old today. ive got some more that need to out very bad maybe this week. my tallest at 34 days is 2' thats a hymalayan gold and a biddy early they are tied. the smallest are 11"-12" they are bubba kush and mandala #1 the shorter ones look nicer they are alot stouter and bushier. ill get some pics up. ive been posting under my thread named raised beds somewhere in the outdoor section havent added in a few days so its a few pages behind. keep up the good work. and people may bitch at me for saying this but i climb those trees and give them a trimming.


Well-Known Member
yea man check out my pics in my thread under raised beds its sort of my outdoor journal for now.