Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

Haha...once i pick a mother(IF i find one), the rest are gonna go outside for my outdoor..I just transplanted 48 into party cups with a coco/hydroton mix(chow), one tray going through transplant shock, the other looking good.

But...once i pick a packages? hehe
If you don't find an amazing specimen out of what you planted, the cross was shit lol :) j/k. I'm sure you'll find a hot bitch in there
i mean, it's pretty consistantly good, but once I grew out 48 of these seeds and like 3 of them turned out to be special...just didn't have the foresight to clone them back then.
Damn. u must have some decent space to be able to do that. How long you let them go until you pull em?
Canna hasnt talked to me for a couple days - Aint seen Jointed (he did mention something about being done posting here the other day) Im sure they just have lives, the losers - Ching is off hunting tatanka - UB is napping after his golf game - Pinworm is making some budder for his german chocolate space cake..

Meta is now caught up.
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Great, the ONE night I've got insomnia and shooting back pain and no one's at the Cove…*goes off to look for dvd's"