Late outdoor grow 2010 sacramento w/ pics and video


Well-Known Member
thanks vg... so u wouldnt be too worried about them not finishing? even the ww x gdp that still isnt budding? and that haze looks nice btw u happen to take any clones off that?


Well-Known Member
Nothing new going on yet.. I will post some more pics today. I think that the one that I had problems with is going to get chopped soon. It's just not doing anything at the moment. :(


Well-Known Member
thanks greenthumb... and it dont get no better than kush. i think i got 5 different varieties of kush this year and they are all making my mouth water. they teach me patience, all the other strains are nice but those are the ones im really looking forward to and it sucks waiting but thats part of the game.


Active Member
looking great but u might be running out of time for em to fully be done flowering before the weather turns so it might be an early harvest


Well-Known Member
we've only had rain like two days i think and it wasnt bad i actually enjoyed not having to water them. i think its supposed to rain this weekend as well... and ya phyzix that rasberry kush is lookin good, the purp starts coming through right away and its actually started to lighten up to like a pinkish purple. but it smells more like o.g. kush than some grapes. and when i post some more pics ill get a close up of the sour grape haze the hairs are bright pink, the last pic didnt come in that good. and im hoping it all finishes up in time ganga but im not worried about the weather as much as i am about the house my plants are at. my brothers landlords lost their house so they just got a notice that they gotta be out in a month. so if they cant get this 60 day extention their applying for we might be in for some emergency transplants and/or early chopping. only the indicas will be done by then so thats not even gonna be half of my harvest. but we'll see how things go... and thanks everyone for the comments.


Well-Known Member
you can use shade cloth if you want. I will be for next year but, mainly for privacy reasons, I will be going with the 15% shade. its good stuff and I have seen several successful gardens with it.
umm yes i know that because i did use it... it hasnt been getting over 85 much no more so there just isnt a need for it anymore. i am still using it on one plant tho because it seems to be a lil more sensitive to the heat than the others.


Well-Known Member
Yeah my neighborhood is pretty shitty too, which is crazy cause my backyard looks super nice. just cause of the way we take care of it though. check out my grow if you get a chance. I'm right up the I-5 in the 530


Well-Known Member
alright back with an update... oh and thank gorilla, i appreciate it. but anyways i got some pics up now and i will post the vid later if i feel like it, probably wont cuz it doesnt show anything u havent seen, the pics are better detail anyways. as far as yield goes, we got 8oz off of a 2 1/2 foot green candy, 10oz off of 5 little gdps, still two more of those similiar in size to harvest, 14oz dry off of two recons that were both 2ft tall, and 6oz off of two very small o.g. kush's as well. thats not counting whats hanging below and the 30 more plants that are still in the ground. the tallest one we've chopped down is the blue dream hangin and that was about 5ft tall. more pictures to come soon, sorry if it takes awhile but i am doing a lot of work. harvest and trimming all these by hands by myself. my brother has helped me hang about 2 small plants and thats it, his percentage is definately taking a dive after his lack luster performance trimming.

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PLATINUM O.G. (no im not done trimming it, i just wanted to see what it was lookin like)
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