late outdoor new zealand, holy smoke landraces


Well-Known Member
Your going to have to if you have limits haha. Glad to see someone else interested in growing only Sativas; i think thats what i'm going to do my next grow. I'l watch your grow and possibly choose one of the strains :) thanks!
yeah they're getting tall fast. i personally don't like indica's unless its a landrace, sativas are more interesting. if you're growing outside definitely go for malawi or mulanje, malawi looks the most pure in genetics and im pretty sure mulanje is just another phenotype or variant of malawi. I watched that strain hunters on malawi and they said there were 2 different phenotypes with one having slightly fatter leaves; mulanje has slightly fatter leaves so im guessing its that pheno. out of all the strains im growing this year (blue hash, drakensberg, zambezi,mulanje, malawi,afghani,mozambique poison,cotton candy) malawi & mulanje are the best in terms of growth and vigour. thanks


Well-Known Member
3 of them just started to flower, i doubt it would have had time to finish in this climate. oh well im doing a horticulture course now so il grow some nice landraces next season in a glass house!


Well-Known Member
Nice to see somebody else going for the landrace sativa grow. My HS Malawi grow went from April to December and still did not finish. I am working on a green house design for this season.



Well-Known Member
thanks man, so heart breaking to see my plants gone. dont worry iv kept a close eye on your magnificent grow, you should look into growing mozambique poison and mulanje gold, these grew better than my malawi. trust me if you grow mulanje this year you will get some serious poundage haha. the vigour is amazing. if they kept on growing they would have gotten over 12 ft and that was only late germinated on 3rd december.



New Member
What up do you know where i could retain some weed seeds? Or clones im currently residing farr north. Hot as hell truely cheers.


Well-Known Member
What up do you know where i could retain some weed seeds? Or clones im currently residing farr north. Hot as hell truely cheers.
Na man, Whats it like growing up there? amazing i bet. Try ordering some online, If you do; go with ace seeds, cannabiogen or mandala seeds. They seem to be the only breeders left with pure genetics.