Late plants/ Big yield


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I know its awful late in the season to be puttin plants outside
considering the yield will be small. But I had a thought and just curious, if
you tilled 5 15ftx15ft areas and put 100 seedlings per spot, do you think it
would be possible to get 7grams per plant? Or more? Or less? That would
really add up in numbers. Lets say the plants would also be recieving 12 hours
of sunlight per day, in the wide open. Would it be possible? Some of my plants
are already pre flowering now, some beyond, which I think is odd in july, but
they were started in december, sexed outside in march and revegged in late
april. Anyways, about the plants, what would you estimate the yield being?


Well-Known Member
Theyre'7 months old and you jave 100+ of them already sexed? Im certain that you will get at the very least 7 grams per...dont plamt too'close together as when they start flowering they will grow a bit.


Well-Known Member
No I only have a few 7 month old plants the have been outdoors since march. I was just
throwing that in there. I'm saying if someone was to do seedlings right now, how many grams
would you get per plant on estimate? It would be like 12/12 from seed outdoors. Re read my question


Well-Known Member
And hexthat, what would your average yield be if you was to start seeds
out right now and put them in full sunlight august 1sst per plant? Just an estimate,
i know it varys by strain.


Well-Known Member
i have heard that on a 12/12 from seed yields can vary from 14-28 grams but of course it can be on either side of that depending on the exact situation as each plant/grow has to be taken on a case by case basis.


Well-Known Member
the smallest outdoor plant i ever saw was about half a pound. you will get a lot more than 7g even if you put them out now

cancer survivor

Active Member
well half your seeds will be male, a good many wont germinate, animals and bugs will eat some. you will get buds plant them seeds and quit what if in on the forum with a bunch of people who have huge gardens almost ready to harvest! go for it right NOW.


Active Member
tell me about it! all 6 of my seedlings died im so upset! now I have to invest money in clones that are a decent size 20$+ each


Well-Known Member
And hexthat, what would your average yield be if you was to start seeds
out right now and put them in full sunlight august 1sst per plant? Just an estimate,
i know it varys by strain.
well im starting seeds today, im shooting for an oz per seedling... i got some i started about 4½ weeks ago and ill get over an oz off them


Active Member
Greetings!! I'm in the exact same boat as you.

I started my crop of Headband from seed on 7/19
Once they sprouted I gave them 24/0 (10hrs sunlight/14hrs T5) light schedule for 1 week. Amazing reresults

Then I threw the babies outside in 5 gallon containers w/ a super soil mix + well aged compost, they're exposed to 12hrs direct sun, about 3.5 weeks old and doing SO WELL

Check out my grow journal on my page, ill be following yours


Active Member
Here she is!
this pic is from today 8/7

Topped her 4 days ago and she is VERY happy, very noticeable pungent stench coming from new growth sites. Feeding her homemade compost tea 2x a week


Well-Known Member
No I only have a few 7 month old plants the have been outdoors since march. I was just
throwing that in there. I'm saying if someone was to do seedlings right now, how many grams
would you get per plant on estimate? It would be like 12/12 from seed outdoors. Re read my question
It would be like a 12/12 from seed. It could go really good like a sog. I don't think 7-14 gr a plant is out of the question or more.


Well-Known Member
What do guys think about interrupting the night cycle with lighting, say a couple 4 ft T5 lights over the plants set to come on for a few hours at night, say 10pm-midnight/1am? Would this achieve the intended goal of postponing flowering, and thereby increase the vegetative cycle?

Just to be clear, I'm not talking about actually using the lights to grow, just to interrupt the hormonal mumbo jumbo that goes on at night. <-- As you can see, I really know what I'm talking about here. :lol:

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
Don't know where you live but where I live we have a problem with Japanese beatles and without using sevendust or some other pesticide they would eat that whole crop in 1-2 days.