Late season Outdoor Guerilla Grow - in the UK massive!


Active Member
Hey mate, see you got the pictures working. Nice! The alternating of nodes indicates maturity so yeah the plants should be ready to flower soon. The white dots on the leaves looks to be spider mite damage i think, though i may be wrong so don't take my word for it.


Cheers mate. Think they are, being doing a bit of research. checked out my plants today. they are growing super fast now, new growth popping uo everywhere. the stems are nice and thick too.

Can anybody reccomend a way of getting rid of bugs that is not toxic to smoke...?
Hey, i'm also trying to get a quick stealth grow in before the end of UK summer. I'm just germinating four of my THC Bomb seeds now. I know i'l probably get a very limited yield if any at all, but what nutrients are you feeding with?


Yeah, go for it mate. I used some standard garden loam and pete compost to germinate, added abit of wood ash to increase the ph.

I transplanted my seedlings into a mix of john innes no.3 and added abit of sand and seaweed. They seem to be doing pretty well in it and have sky rocketed in the last week. I wouldnt adivse putting small seedlings into john innes incase you experience burning as the nutes are quite high.



Heres how my plants were looking yesterday. Had a lot of sun and rain lately so growth has been pretty rapid.

Outdoor Grapefruit. Probably my best plant out of the lot.

Plenty of new growth and potential bud sites in the grapefruit plant. Nice strong stem too.

Here is a Purple Power runt. Hasnt recieved much sunlight so growth is slow. Hoping she will stretch a little bit, soon.

I have two other purple powers going also. One of them got pulled yesterday, possibly the work of a rabbit!

The other purple power is as large as the grapefruit but not looking as healthy. Many of the leaves have been munched away by catipillars. Shes doing well though.

No signs of flowering in any plants as of yet. checked for small white hairs and nothing so seems they havnt started yet. Hopefully soon though!



check my plants today. Signs of the first pistils so my babies have started flowering and appear to all be female, as expected.


Large Purple Power, slighty thristy and wilting a little bit.

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Purple Power bud, finding it hard to see any pistils.
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Smaller Purple Power
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Small, early flower, I think. cant seem to see any pistils though?

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Really underwaterd Outdoor Grapefruit.

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Its been pretty sunny lately. weather has been good. A few cold nights which has brought out some purple colour in the plants. All plants looked abit dehydrated so I watered them and also added some miracle grow to the water.

Can anybody suggest a good flowering nute that I can get from most garden stores in the uk?

Take it easy,



My plants are doing pretty well at the moment. Weve had lots of rain and sun and they are all fully into the flowering stage now.

The large Purple Power has been going mental over the last week and the buds have already doubled in size and gone super purple! Signs of plenty of pistils too!

Here is the main cola, looking nice. Its still gotta frost up though. Only in its 2nd week!
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Top view of the plant
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Smaller buds nice n purple.
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Here is the smaller Purple Power, not quite as developed.

Hasnt got the full purple colours going on but the pistils have a light shade of pink.
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Smaller buds coming along nicely.
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Something keeps doing this to my plant! b******s.
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I didnt manage to get any shots of the Grapefruit today but its doing alright. Everything is happening abit slower than the PPs but its is fully into flower and has plenty of bud sites, being the largest plant. Hopefully get a decent yield off it.

Pretty happy with how everything is going, not bad for 2 weeks into flower.



Not sure how many people are still following this but I thought id still update it.

Sadly I found that both my purple powers are hermies. Not sure how bad they are but there are still a large majority of nice looking female flowers and only a few pollen sacs popping up here and there.

Here is the larger Purple Power. Doing really well. good colouring and is starting to smell really sweet and fruity!

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Here is the smaller Purple Power. Slightly behind but doing well. nice pinky pistils!

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Finally here is the Grapefruit. This plant is taking the longest to flower for some reason. Its been looking really similar for the last couple weeks and doesnt seem to want to get budding properly yet. Maybe lack of nutrients?

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Can anybody tell me why some of the large fan leaves on all my plants are going yellow and dying? It cant be burning cos I havnt fed them for a while. It only appears to be the leaves that dont have buds on the stems. Is this because the plant is focusing energy on the buds rather than the leaves?




Well-Known Member
i dont mean to rain on ur parade but honestly id rip up every single one of those plants... id be focusing on next years plan and not waste too much more time and energy on this one.


well, ive come this far. whats the point on wasting all the time ive put in for the last 2 months if I pull them now? I can see where youre coming from cos theyre not the best plants but I should still get some smoke off them i reckon.


Active Member
Good looking plants regardless brother. I wish I could have gotten some decent seeds earlier in the year. I will be harvesting a ton of bud next season though!


Well-Known Member
ive just read thru ur thread stoogy an i hope u end up with some descent smoke my friend, 2 months work u deserve at least that ,

look forward to seeing ur next pics


Active Member
hey hey bro. thats some nice looking seeds anyway, my attempt this year was trying to grow some seeds i got off a hermy, ( out of 11 they all seem a bit hermy!) i was going to plant end of july in a very public place. thats what would have been a waste of time! having to pick off pollen sacks infront of families on picnics! i scrapped the idea and left them inside luckily, because they seem to making alot of seeds aswell! such a fail on my behalf, im getting clones and starting in may next season. Even if you dont get much, that purple power and grapfruit soaked with real sun should be luvly. if you know the downs in bristol, that was my great plan.


Went to check on my plants again today, and was annoyed to find that my grapefruit plant has been taken. The whole plant has been moved from where it was. I am going to go back tomorrow and look around to see if somebody moved it nearby and reclaim it. Its just annoying because that was my biggest plant and my only true female. I was looking forward to getting at least an oz of dry tasty bud off that.

Anyway, here are some pics of how the purple power is doing. I checked to see if there were any more pollen sacs and couldnt find any so its not all too bad. gonna keep checking and remove them when i find them.

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Just wondering if anybody can give me some info. Is it normal for some of the larger fan leaves to die off (yellow and curl) during flowering? All the smaller leaves round the buds are green and healthy but some of the bigger leaves have gone yellow.



tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It is normal to see some fan leaves go yellow and die as you approach the end of the flowering period. While the ieda is to keep them alive, it's natural for it to happen so don't let it worry you too much.


Okay. thanks ttt. I reckon they got at least another 2 weeks to go. probably gonna think about cutting them around the start of october. Dont want to risk mold and early frosts.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from those last 4 pictures but it looks like it needs a good while longer than just 2 weeks. Although as you say, no point in not chopping and then having it ruined by our lovely climate, and as you say, you were aware you were late on the ball and that bud would be bud so guess regardless, it's a win, as you still get free bud :)