Late start in Va. Pruning help


Active Member
I ask because my Nieghbors plants have started flowering. These have slowed their upward growth a bit in the last 5 days.

Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
I’d get some wire supports used to hold insulation in place between joists, bend them in half and pin the branches from the first node down so they are horizontal. Keep doing that until they reach the edge of the pot - this will get them out from under the developing canopy so they get maximum sun exposure. Once they reach the edge of the pot, and are trained to stay horizontal remove the wire restraints and let them find their own sweet spot.

I’d also get some LST clips and use them on any branches that are still pliable to get them outside the canopy as well. Some examples below…

View attachment 5175379image.jpgimage.jpgView attachment 5175379image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
They will start flowering the same as your neighbors if your plants are mature
What do you mean “put in ground”?
Because that doesn’t sound like a mature plant
Oh and…
Welcome to RIU :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey welcome bud & don't forget to post your updates in the VA grower thread 8-)



Active Member
They are photoperiod ladies, not sure what the neighbors have.
By “put in the ground” I mean transplanting from a solo cup to those 30 gallon bags at about 4”- 6” in height. I did that July 12, they were cloned about July 2nd


Well-Known Member
Some like myself some yrs have to take early and or heavy losses because of climate issues like our cool wet sept oct season that reeks havoc with mold.