whats up everyone,i just planted 6 seedlings in the woods, and got a few more just barly germinated given to me yesterday. it's prety late in the season so it should be interesting to see what i can yeild
No one is going to answer you. You are asking it in the wrong place. I'm sure there is somewhere on this site that explains the rules to you, perhaps you should search for them and read them. Sorry I don't mean to come off snippy, just letting you know.
florida dont really have a season depending how far north u are i use to live in the southwest region but beware of lady rain and mr wind they can be assholes and fuck everything up hopefully u got a great spot and make sure u got good soil as soil in fl sucks or should i say sand lol .... i can help u out on a few things as i did alotof reaserch well i was in fl....