Later buds with Pics


Well-Known Member
IMG_1054.JPG 5.jpgIMG_1047.JPG 3.jpgIMG_1050.JPG 6.jpgIMG_1053.JPG4.jpgI picked up some 1 and half foot clones and put them in 7 Gal. smart pots back on Sept 15 th and this is what they look like now,I wIMG_1045.JPG2.jpgas woundering if I should harvest them because its going to start to rainning here in northern Cal.and the lower leaves are starting to yellow.TIMG_1048.JPG7.jpgrich are cloudy with a little clear, no amber, But the tops are real frosty
and sticky as hell,the smell is dank as hell.They are 6 Chem Dowgs..IMG_1044.JPG 1.jpg


Well-Known Member might cover it with a clear plastic (with some airholes around the bottom lol)

so, to allow it to mature more further (become at least totally cloudy)

but its really your preferance, you could cut it now.

ya might try cutting off a tiny nug and quick dry it in the oven (cut it up and leave the oven on low, should take 30-160minutes)

will be harsh, but you can sorta tell if the potency is to your liking.


Well-Known Member
just watch them temps, gets low enough and all growth stops.

but ya know that, same as with the original question, just wanted confirmation :)


Well-Known Member
they look good :) i would wait a frost isnt going to hurt them as much as the rain so if you can bring them indoors while its raining out they should be fine

just make sure you watch how long they are in the light inside, if they start getting more than 12 hour light they will get all fuked up


Well-Known Member
I'm in the central valley and will see the rain shortly after you do, also put out a few 1-2 feet clones in September. Stuck em in the ground and I wish I potted em. Anyway I'm heading out to find some clear plastic that I can cover with since my plants can do much more maturing. Goodluck man


Well-Known Member
im in the same situation m8 although ines in a greenhouse, hoping mines will be ready in the next 2 weeks before the frost really hits


Well-Known Member
How was day 1 hooker? I pulled 2 smaller ones just now. Wind really beat up my 4 ft afghan kush, left it flattened but I was able to prop it back up and give some better support. Hopefully its over sooner than expected!