latest date to Germ seeds for outdoor grow?

father nature

Well-Known Member
I realize you can start them anytime you want and just get a smaller plant yield. But is there a general rule of thumb between normal germ date and "getting to late".
I'm thinking of starting a few extra seeds but not sure if its worth it. As of today 4/26 the seeds wouldn't sprout until very early May. Is that a little to late for a full grown plant come flower time?


Well-Known Member
It depends on where you are. I dont plan on planting till june to keep the plants smaller. They will still get a good 3 month veg even planting that late.
Here in mass we dont see 12hr days till mid september.

father nature

Well-Known Member
I'm on Long Island so not to far away from you. I thought the 12/12 days started around mid august in my area but could be wrong.
First outdoor grow. I want monster plants for the cool factor


Well-Known Member
It depends on where you are. I dont plan on planting till june to keep the plants smaller. They will still get a good 3 month veg even planting that late.
Here in mass we dont see 12hr days till mid september.
This is a common misconception between indoor and outdoor growing. Most plants start to flower with less than 14-14.5 hours of light outdoors.

For example in Northern California (~40°N) plants can flower at the beginning of August when there's roughly 14 hours of daylight. In Massachusetts you'll likely start to see pistils mid august. :lol:

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
I realize you can start them anytime you want and just get a smaller plant yield. But is there a general rule of thumb between normal germ date and "getting to late".
I'm thinking of starting a few extra seeds but not sure if its worth it. As of today 4/26 the seeds wouldn't sprout until very early May. Is that a little to late for a full grown plant come flower time?
The more veg time you have before you stick them outdoors the bigger they will be. Some start as early as feb...some even earlier.

You can start seeds now but they wont get super massive unless you have several hundred gallon pots filled with amazing soil.