Laughing Buddha -- Yellowing new growth **PICS**

Currently growing Laughing Buddha, sativa, in 7 gallon oxy pots in soilless promix HP. Using Advanced Nutrients Sensi PH Perfect full line up per their nutrient schedule, currently 4 weeks into veg feeding Sensi Grow A&B, B52 and all the bennies.

She's been having an issue with new growth yellowing and I can't really pinpoint it, initially thought it might've been sulfur or iron deficiency, but wanted to get other opinions. Didn't think it'd be likely considering it's supposed to have all the macro and micro nutrients in the A&B formula.

Right now, she gets fed once a week with about three gallons and then just plain, PH'd water in between, three gallons. Growing under a 1000w LED lamp, temps about 81-85 with added CO2 and lots of fans.

Any thoughts?

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Well-Known Member
Looks like just new growth. The new stuff usually comes in lighter when its growing fast. In promix hp i usually feed at every watering. Just feed at lower rates or youll burn em an get a bunch of curled leaf tips.
Mmm, maybe the pics are doing it justice, I'll try to get some more, it looks unusually yellow to me and it seems like growth has slowed
I have three naturally-producing CO2 bags from Sierra Natural Sciences hanging above the plants, RH is aboit 45-58%. Unsure of actual CO2 levels, but they get lots of circulation, as well.


Well-Known Member
Any help would be greatly appreciated =( These pics were taken today

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could be alot of things. from to much water,to out growing its pot. it dose look like a good size plant for a 7 gallon pot. it could also be nutrient lock. i would only give her water for a few waterings and always remember to pick your pots up and see how heavy they are to get an idea of how saturated your soil is with water the first 5 inchs might feel dry but the bottoms still wet. its always good to let them go pretty dry and get pretty light at lest ounce a week. and to be honest it dose not look that bad off i wouldn't do anything to drastic to try and fix it keep it simple
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could be alot of things. from to much water,to out growing its pot. it dose look like a good size plant for a 7 gallon pot. it could also be nutrient lock. i would only give her water for a few waterings and always remember to pick your pots up and see how heavy they are to get an idea of how saturated your soil is with water the first 5 inchs might feel dry but the bottoms still wet. its always good to let them go pretty dry and get pretty light at lest ounce a week. and to be honest it dose not look that bad off i wouldn't do anything to drastic to try and fix it keep it simple
I actually flushed her in the tub almost two weeks ago as I previously wasn't feeding with a whole lot of run off, so I became concerned about salt buildup. This is the first time I'm runnin 7gallon and promix, usually rock 5gallon pots in soil, so I guess I overestimated how much more water would be needed and since then, I've been feeding w/ 3 gallons of water to get significant runoff. I was also doing a feed, water, feed regimen, but I'm also wondering if it's better to feed with every watering.

I should certainly hope she's not outgrowing her pot, she's only 4 weeks old!

Anyways, I'll try letting her dry out a little more, see if that helps. I'm usually pretty good about not over-watering, but again I may just be underestimating the size of the pot.


Well-Known Member
I actually flushed her in the tub almost two weeks ago as I previously wasn't feeding with a whole lot of run off, so I became concerned about salt buildup. This is the first time I'm runnin 7gallon and promix, usually rock 5gallon pots in soil, so I guess I overestimated how much more water would be needed and since then, I've been feeding w/ 3 gallons of water to get significant runoff. I was also doing a feed, water, feed regimen, but I'm also wondering if it's better to feed with every watering.

I should certainly hope she's not outgrowing her pot, she's only 4 weeks old!

Anyways, I'll try letting her dry out a little more, see if that helps. I'm usually pretty good about not over-watering, but again I may just be underestimating the size of the pot.
promix is awesome stuff but it can be a bit tricky it has a very high soil porosity and holds a lot of water. how often do they get water??
promix is awesome stuff but it can be a bit tricky it has a very high soil porosity and holds a lot of water. how often do they get water??
Right now, they get 3 gallons per feeding, so they were last drenched April 7th in the evening (lights on), I just checked them with a moisture probe and they're still pretty moist in the middle and bottom of the pots. They get watered, roughly, a little less than once a week. Also, at this rate, should I just be feeding with every watering or continue with my feed, water, feed regimen?


Active Member
I experienced this problem not long back and found out the cause was due to my water ph always changing.. Switching between tap water and bottled caused fluctuations with my PH and tends to twist the leaves.. once fixed it will go back to its normal state so i wouldn't say you've got much to worry about here or even much work!


Well-Known Member
i always feel less is more when it comes to feeding synthetics i would just keep doing what your doing. I always feed half the recommended rates given, nutrient companys want you to use up there product so you buy more.
These pictures were taken today, just after lights on. I just fed her with 4gallons of water w/ half-strength nutes last night, 04/16. She was last fed/watered on 04/07, it took this long for the soil to dry out enough to merit another watering. She's looking more yellow today it seems, that could also be my paranoia fuckin with me, but this bitch is stressin me. They're about ready to go to flower, but I don't want to hit 12/12 before resolving this bullshit.

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Well-Known Member
These pictures were taken today, just after lights on. I just fed her with 4gallons of water w/ half-strength nutes last night, 04/16. She was last fed/watered on 04/07, it took this long for the soil to dry out enough to merit another watering. She's looking more yellow today it seems, that could also be my paranoia fuckin with me, but this bitch is stressin me. They're about ready to go to flower, but I don't want to hit 12/12 before resolving this bullshit.

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she looks okay to me man. it looks like new growth color and shes growing fast! anything starts to brown and or cruel and shit then i would worry.
she looks okay to me man. it looks like new growth color and shes growing fast! anything starts to brown and or cruel and shit then i would worry.
Damn, really? I must be smokin too much, then, this shit has been buggin me out! :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: I've just never seen new growth come in sooo yellow, it's just looked so unusual so it's been bothering me. I mean, I'm familiar with the mild yellowing of new growth, but this just seemed excessive. I also don't think I've ever grown such a sativa-dominant strain before and it's, moreorless, been my understanding that they can be a little pickier. I just took some more pictures today, if you still think she looks fine, then fuck it, Imma just keep my eye on her.

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