Lavender and Big Bud flowering under 150 w hps in a 50 dollar hydro setup.


Active Member
Here is a follow up to my grow journal I am flowering 1 lavender, (the shorter one) and one cali. big bud (duh, the huge one). both grown from seed under a 150 watt hps in a homemade drip system, which we put together for under 60 bucks. As of right now I am estimating a harvest of fuck if I know. right now they are entering their 5th week of 12/12 lighting.



Well-Known Member
Here is a follow up to my grow journal I am flowering 1 lavender, (the shorter one) and one cali. big bud (duh, the huge one). both grown from seed under a 150 watt hps in a homemade drip system, which we put together for under 60 bucks. As of right now I am estimating a harvest of at least 3 oz, possibly up to 6 at 10 percent water content. right now they are entering their 5th week of 12/12 lighting.
i'll be impressed if you get an ounce dry.


Active Member
I will most def. be updating constantly, even with a zone, for having spent 50 bucks on my setup I would still be ecstatic. If I stick with the 150 watt you're absolutely right, I'm hoping to get a 400 w for the last month of flowering, to help tighten everything up. If I get an 8th it's profit, right? haha.



Well-Known Member
I don't know about 3oz man, but they definetely look good considering you built everything for under 60 bucks! Very Impressive


Active Member
Yeah, this is my first grow, so I'm really not sure on the yield, I'm just going on how large the nugs are now and the fact that they've got at least another 5-7 weeks before harvest time. I definitely appreciate everyone's harvest guesstimates. So what's everyone think I'm looking at? we could start a betting pool, haha.


Well-Known Member
an ounce perhaps. but for any more than that there would have had to be much more veg time and some extra steps taken that have not been taken on this grow. looking good for your first time. you didnt kill them, which a lot of noobs do. i never could figure out how people kill their ladies because they are so easy to grow. but it happens. good job so far. late