Lavender - Soma Strain


Active Member
IMAG0264.jpgThis is what our cutting of Lavendar starts doing during budding, this herb is so damn smooth, I can smoke just huge flavorful billows of smoke. we are cuting it down at 60.

Tony Sativa

Lavender has a few diff phenos in it. One is a green runt that's pack a little more punch but the other 2 I found are monster's as far as yield goes. One is a bluish purple with a true lavender smell and taste and the other beast took after the Big skunk korean mother and had a spicy taste to it. Both are great cash cropper's but most like the lavender tasting with the purple colors


Well-Known Member
i must have gotten the green runt type.. lol this is some nice tasting stuff. im having a devil of a time to get it to do simple things like grow. when i do get an ok one i get about 4 gms of tiny pieces. im tempted to try some new ones, but for the price and bad luck,, idk


Active Member
IMAG1164.jpgIMAG1177.jpglavendar outside next to a donkey punch diesal and some trinity in the background. random kid for size comparison