lawn sprinklers wetting my plants every night... good or bad?


I think its bad. I think it might encourage fungus; especially how everything in my backyard gets white powdery mold. In my other post about under-watering in this heat I took a picture of a big purple kush that origonally started looking shitty many weeks ago== I thought this was due to the overspray from my lawn sprinklers but it could have been just underweatered the whole time. I dunno which but I have been wrapping the cage facing my lawn with plastic every night to keep the water off, just in case. When i do water i only water the roots.

Is partially wrapping my plant in plastic worth it?

Does my plant look shitty because of the past damage from over-spray or under-watering?080912112224.jpg

Growth in size has been stunted ever since this heat started about 3-4 weeks ago.

This plant has looked shitty for a while but it is producing lots of nice big flowers.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
i dont think your plant looks shitty because of the plastic or spraying...

It's gotta be the way you're feeding it.

But yea, adjust your sprinklers. You don't want water on your flowering plants