laws in uk suck


Well-Known Member
well i think in 2010 yhe cannabis laws world wide should be made eqal which would mean either world wide ban or worldwide allowance as the medical laws are now in some us states and i believe canada as well as other countries why should we in europe suffer not having equality which is the only way forward myself as anarcoleptic and use mariquana to ease symptons i would gratefully want the laws here changed insted what our noble goverment did lower cannabis to class c then under twelve months later put it back to class b now either our gov aint got a clue or they just messing with our heads so when we in uk gonna get equalaty like our freinds in other countries


Well-Known Member
the european gov they say be part of europe but then they say but we have different laws so who is mugging who off here all i say if they want us to be equal and at peace with each other give us the same as each other not well thats ok there but not here one company in uk has home office licence for medical mariquana one out of hundreds of companys and no single person in uk has been granted a perscription to cultivate its a joke honest going to move to america or canada be same illnes for me just better laws for me lol i realy wish the gov would wake up and here the people why cant they give people the vote on these laws so we decide after all its our home so we should say


Well-Known Member
and dude, ur even more fucked now cos of the new government. we totally needed a lib dem takeover.

i wish it was the same in ireland as it is in america too! at least you can get it no problem!

the only way i get it is by growing!


Well-Known Member
m8 i do sypathise in your aquasition department i can aquire easily i prefer to grow though it dont taste the same the comercial shit its done in hurry for profit not for the enjoyement of what it can produce so in respect i wish the onlt route for me was to grow as its a dam site cheaper 25 uk for 3 grams its a joke


Well-Known Member
well, here in ireland, if you can get it, is €50 for whatever the dealer wants to give you.

if you know him, its around 3.5g
if you dont it can be anything between 2.5g-3.2g!

oh,and €50 is about £40


Active Member
well, here in ireland, if you can get it, is €50 for whatever the dealer wants to give you.

if you know him, its around 3.5g
if you dont it can be anything between 2.5g-3.2g!

oh,and €50 is about £40
£40! i though i was getting ripped off for £25 for 3 grams! i hav sum friends in ireland and they say that theres a lot more nice hash around than any green? is this true? whats the hash like there cuz here in england most hash is terrible, with bits of plastic in it and occasionally a diesel smell to it .


Well-Known Member
it all depends on the people you know, and if ur in a city or town.

when i was in citys, you could get it all no prob, but its always soapbar, theres never a shortage of that, but its sick, it does have bit of plastic in it and shit!

but we did get slate once, and that was amazing. expensive tho. £40 for a quater, but that was so delicious, worth every cent!


Well-Known Member
in south of uk as stated 25 = 3 g and its honestly crap grown purely for profit no care flash dried so it crumbles to dust next to no smell its poo and 40 quid fuck me ide have to give up at that price or permantly grow


Well-Known Member
solids just dont see them any more about two years back last time i saw poo bar had nice bit pollen last week as freebie but tiny


Active Member


yeah i know what you mean man im desperate for medical green, im epileptic and weed is the only anti-convulsive drug that does not give you depression as a side effect. im in uk too, just bought some seeds off of the attitude gonna grow in the woods somewhere. atm i just wish i could move to canada or summin just for medical reasons. its so hard to get where i am its ridiculous one guy comes in with nine oz for the whole town once every 3 month otherwise the town is dry as fuck. well got some shitty rocky but thats it. rocky isnt good for me to smoke really due to my condition. best strains are white strains for me. want to grow white russian when i get enough money for a tent etc.


Well-Known Member
but if uk gets medical mariquana laws the gov could do some form of taxing and control they could charge for issuing grow licence fine for infrigments the list goes on they could make more money out of legalizing than the cost of taking people like us who grow for own use to court they fine us it has still cost uk more just for judge to say 200 pound fine as stated our law in uk is fucking joke one minute its declasified to c then reclassified back to b whats that all about see they just want to screw the tax payer one way or other


Well-Known Member
well i think in 2010 yhe cannabis laws world wide should be made eqal which would mean either world wide ban or worldwide allowance as the medical laws are now in some us states and i believe canada as well as other countries why should we in europe suffer not having equality which is the only way forward myself as anarcoleptic and use mariquana to ease symptons i would gratefully want the laws here changed insted what our noble goverment did lower cannabis to class c then under twelve months later put it back to class b now either our gov aint got a clue or they just messing with our heads so when we in uk gonna get equalaty like our freinds in other countries
Canada was the first country in the world to introduce medical marijuana. America started the prohibition.

Just chiming in ;)


Well-Known Member
thank you for that info i was not aware of canadas part in the law i thought they had the law just unsure and could i ask what is the law to private growers are you allowed x amount x strains or is it you have a retail outlet ie chemist but this is my point we here our goverments shouting equality for all so where is this equality i have great envy of our canadien freinds as they obviously have a goverment who hear what there countries residents say and want i wish we in uk had such a gov


nice plant budsy, i actually live in dumfries near carlisle so its quite a big place really as soon as green comes in it gets sold on and then sold on again to the dealers who divide it up into shitty 3-5g bags that they sell for 40-60 squid depending on how good it is... mostly bloody stalk aswell AND some of em have the cheek to snip bits of wire into it to make it weigh more. i am trying to move down south i know a girl that pays 140 per ounce down there as here its 200 minimum, and it aint an oz. growin just seems to make sense like, plus gettin to decide what strain you want is just so cool. no more damp cash crops! i've tried askin random folk but never goes that well unfortunately but i do when i get desperate :)


Well-Known Member
the uk is FUCKED for weed! im not that old 28 but even i can remember back 6-7yrs ago when there was no spray around and it was just nice clean skunk and 120s n oz,65 a half, 35 a Q what happend to them days???

why has weed just gone further and further up in price when class a's just keep getting cheaper? coke n pills in my area r at the lowest prices ive ever nown them in 15yrs! so why not the weed????????????????????


Well-Known Member
yes i remember 15 = 3.5 super skunk and solid was 10=3.5 and that was 6-7 years back but it was a much better buzz not this mongie shit we get now cant remember last time i had giggles or munchie attack and thats cause weed now days is crap thats one of the reasons i grow so i can maintain at least some quality last year had all that comercial that had been sprayed with what could only be described as fibre glass made you cough badely again its comercial shit


Well-Known Member
a guy i know got really excited when he saw loads of crystals in his bag, thought it was thc, he rolled a joint of them. turns out it was glass, and he coughed up blood for a few hours.


Well-Known Member
that i have heard of its a fucking joke and they charge there was glass fibre glass sand at one stage alsorts of shit