laws on patients concentrating cannabis?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone knows the laws regarding patients processing their own concentrates.

I would assume we would be able to make edibles and bubble hash, but what about solvent extractions like alcohol and butane for example?

I have been looking over legal documents for a while now and asking other people that i know but i cant seem to find a definitive answer.


Well-Known Member
I know that there is laws about solvent exrraxtion regarding doing it indoors.
Apparently your house can be condemned if you do butane extractions inside.
They consider it to be basically the same as a meth lab I guess. But outside I wonder if you would have to be x amount of distance away from a building? I just dont know and I dont want people driving by seeing me do it but I also dont want to go out in the woods everytime I make oil.


Well-Known Member
I realise it is outlawed in cali however here in it is not. I just want to be clearer on what the laws here are. Not to sound like a dick but if I wanted to know cali laws I wouldnt have asked in the maine patients section.


Well-Known Member
My bad buddy, didn't realize this was maine, I found it in the new post section, overlooked it. Im going to assume that any chemical extraction not done in a lab setting, is illegal. Especially with highly explosive solvents and a drug in the grey area. In the states where it is legal, it must me done in a professional lab with explosion proof vented hoods/fans, and in approved closed loop extractors. Also must be licensed by the state (colorado, washington) and inspected by the fire marshal. Anyone open blasting in their backyard is not going to be legal in any state