Lax Lounge farmers market busted?

The group of dispensaries that are responsible for persuading MPP to eliminate personal grow rights are the dispensaries that are members of the "Arizona Dispensary Association", which is run by Andrew Myers.

Andrew was hired by MPP back in 2009 to be the Campaign Manager for Prop 203. He now has a dispensary in Scottsdale named "Monarch Wellness."

His organization, the "Arizona Dispensary Association" (ADA), represents numerous other large State-Licensed dispensaries. It's this group of large dispensaries that represent the greatest influence with MPP.

There are likely other dispensaries not affiliated with the ADA that are also against personal grow rights, but they don't have as much weight with MPP, for obvious reasons.

A few of the dispensaries have come out publicly to say that they DO support personal grow rights. Those dispensaries should be praised for standing up for whats right.

It's difficult to give you a list of which dispensaries are members of the ADA, primarily because many of the dispensaries are lying and telling the public that they aren't ADA members, when they really are.

The guys at Safer Arizona interviewed Andrew Myers and asked him why the decision was made to eliminate personal cultivation. His answer was that the "law enforcement types were very against personal cultivation and that it was necessary to get their support."

You can read the whole interview here

Damn, that is just crazy...
Any bill that gets put forward that does not allow for personal grows will get a "no" vote from me.

I agree with you 100%

Numerous local marijuana activist groups have voiced that same opinion!

This image has been making it's way around FB...

Thanks @Jason AZ for sharing some good, and from what I know, factual information. Too many people in our community living off of "here say" and spreading rumors like they're fact.

Here is a group on Facebook, for anyone that uses it, called Black list and reviews for AZ MMJ businesses. They are pretty up to date on the shit MPP is pulling, trying to finalize the monopoly those in power have over this plant. No grow rights gets a no vote.

There is plenty wrong with the MPP draft, and it's far from legalization. It's regulation and taxation on a product that is in no way detrimental to society. To say "Marijuana is safer than alcohol" in itself is a misconstrued slogan to adopt. It sure is, but in fact, it is the opposite of what alcohol is. Alcohol consumption WILL kill you in the long run, and it WILL destroy the body along the way, and it DOES impair drivers. It is a dangerous product that is detrimental to all of society and will cost society tax dollars via law enforcement, court costs, hospitalization costs, property damage, domestic violence and psychological/dependency treatment. To say "Marijuana is safer than alcohol" is to suggest that while it is safer, it still is harmful, just not as bad as alcohol, or anything else that slogan has morphed into. And that is just wrong.

Cannabis use has killed how many people again?!? And as reefer madness simmers down and science can actual be applied to this plant (slowly but surely), I believe only beneficial findings have come to light. Carcinogens in cannabis not similar to the ones found in tobacco, not causing lung cancer in the same way. Cannabis actually having a cancerous cell fighting benefit. Kids going from having more seizures in a week than anyone can imagine to all of a sudden finding peace in their body and getting a chance to live something close to a normal life. Cannabis and the use of it is not detrimental to society, nor will it cost the taxpayers money, and I even believe it would levy some of the costs on society.

Cannabis is good for the body. We have an endocannabinoid system in our head for a reason. There is no need to say I can only have one or 2.5 ounces of cannabis in my possession! There is no need to tell me how many plants I can grow for myself! There is no need to tax this plant like it is a luxury item that will lead to expenses for society!

Sorry for my rant, but fuck MPP and the horse they rode in on. Just take the penalties away for anything regarding this plant, let the corporations/big money/dispensaries grow and sell theirs while leaving all of us little folk alone to do the same. It's a huge cannabis pie, and their is enough demand for everyone to be happy. Done and time for a sesh!
Any bill that gets put forward that does not allow for personal grows will get a "no" vote from me.

Why let perfection be the enemy of good?

This dilemma existed in the early '90s when concealed carry was legalized. There were purists who argued that it had to be all-or-nothing. Pragmatic types who thought "baby steps" were better than nothing. I.e., the law can be amended later.

Recreational would be a huge step forward. But, I don't like what I'm reading about the corruption. But, that's politics. The only reason MPP is caving to the dispensaries' interests is that the grass-roots (evidently) isn't strong enough to step up and get the job done.

It boils down to little more than that. 420 enthusiasts aren't organized. Perhaps they don't want to expose themselves while illegal. Perhaps they prefer being stoned all the time. But, the fact of the matter is that if 420 enthusiasts could raise money and donate time in sufficient quantities, MPP would be in a position to dictate to the dispensaries.

(I don't know anything about MPP. They could be jerks for all I know. But, in theory that's how politics works, how bills are written, etc.).
Went and checked out the lax market. Man, there are really some quality flowers and extracts there. Better than anything going around the Dispensarys. Was very surprised, lots of free dabs. Lots of top shelf nug run shatter. Good vibe with lots of med sharing going on. Props to lax for putting this on!!
Anyone know what's up with this? Heard cops were walking in and vendors were scrambling to the exits.

Any truth to this? Heard so many good things about the market, but glad I didn't go and check it out yesterday.

The 7ten lounge is also having farmers markets as well? is this why the original market has been so dead?

i was there, there was one cop that came outfront and some dumbass started yelling cops and scared everyone. a bunch of people left and the cop was gone in five minutes never even came inside the buildin or anything lol
Good morning friends..

There are actually 3 medical marijuana farmers markets in Phoenix;

One farmers market is put on by "The Medical Green Community" at the VFW Post on 48th St and Thomas.

Another farmers market is at the Lax Lounge on 16th St and Thomas.

The other farmers market is at the 7ten Club on 51st ave and Camelback.

The "Original" medical marijuana farmers market was the CAMP 420 farmers market. That market no longer exists because the CAMP 420 owner was indicted by the State of Arizona for "Illegal Control of an Enterprise", a Class 4 Felony, for her involvement with organizing the farmers market.

Makes a person wonder why there are others doing the same thing...

The last market I attended, there was surely a great deal of "command presense"
It's only a matter of time before this place gets shut down. Having an open market free for all only gives patients and caregivers who are actually following the rules a bad name. I'm mean come on lax, you are advertising that your growing, doing deliveries and running multiple farmers markets with open sales, no limits on what you can buy, vendors with no medical paperwork slinging pounds and slabs like its a trap house.

Cops have been here multiple times now and last week a vendor pulled a gun on someone they thought stole their prescription meds. Not a good image for the medical community...
Lax and all the farmers markets and longed are being watched and monitored.

One vendor from lax has already been raided.

Be careful out there...
Good morning friends..

There are actually 3 medical marijuana farmers markets in Phoenix;

One farmers market is put on by "The Medical Green Community" at the VFW Post on 48th St and Thomas.

Another farmers market is at the Lax Lounge on 16th St and Thomas.

The other farmers market is at the 7ten Club on 51st ave and Camelback.

The "Original" medical marijuana farmers market was the CAMP 420 farmers market. That market no longer exists because the CAMP 420 owner was indicted by the State of Arizona for "Illegal Control of an Enterprise", a Class 4 Felony, for her involvement with organizing the farmers market.

Actually it IS a class 3 felony (MUCH WORSE) and she appears to be losing the case it is set for trial in early June. I have been following the case since day one.
I remember the stupid bitch aka "rain baker" wanting people to submit a business plan to her by email to get a table
at her market (camp 420) truth she is a scandalous bitch ruining it for others much like the operators of at least one other current farmers market.
*NEWS FLASH PEOPLE never use a criminal lawyer who SPECIALIZES in marijuana they are not respected and usually not good!

The Court took under advisement Defendant’s 16.6(B) Motion to Dismiss. Because the AMMA does not contemplate that registered medical marijuana patients may transfer marijuana for value, the Motion is denied.
Defendant argues that A.R.S. §36-2811(B) provides immunity for the Defendant because that section of the AMMA states that a registered qualifying patient "is not subject to . . . prosecution . . . (3) For offering or providing marijuana to a registered qualifying patient . . . or to a registered nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary if nothing of value is transferred in return and the person giving the marijuana does not knowingly cause the recipient to possess more than the allowable amount of marijuana." While acknowledging that perhaps the more natural and reasonable interpretation of this language is to link the phrase "if nothing of value is transferred" to both patients and dispensaries, Defendant advances a strained construction of that phrase interpreting it to apply only to dispensaries. Thus, Defendant claims the language is ambiguous and the rule of lenity should be applied to interpret the statute in Defendant’s favor.
Statutes should be construed in accordance with their intent. The overriding purpose of the AMMA is to permit qualifying patients to use limited amounts of marijuana in their treatment, not to create a market for the sale of marijuana between and among users. With respect to transfers of marijuana for value, the statute contemplates that only dispensaries and caregivers may receive compensation. Thus, A.R.S. §36-2801(5)(e) provides that a "designated caregiver" "may receive reimbursement for actual costs incurred in assisting a registered qualifying patient’s medical use of marijuana . . . " and §36-2801(11) provides that "[a] nonprofit
medical marijuana dispensary may receive payment for all expenses incurred in its operation." Importantly, the definition of "qualifying patient" in §36-2801(13) does not contain similar language allowing such patients to receive compensation for transfers of marijuana to other patients. Thus, dispensaries can receive payment for all their expenses, and caregivers may be reimbursed for their actual costs, but no one can profit. The rule of construction, expression unius est exclusion alterius, applies here. If patients were permitted to receive some payment for transferring marijuana to other patients, including reimbursement for actual costs, the statute would expressly say so.
Furthermore, §36-2811(B)(3) expressly provides that the immunity offered by this section only applies if "the person giving the marijuana does not knowingly cause the recipient to possess more than the allowable amount of marijuana" (emphasis supplied). This phrase must apply to patients and caregivers, rather than dispensaries, since there is no limit on the amount of marijuana a dispensary may have. Use of the word "giving" further reveals the statute’s intent as to transfers between patients, since the common meaning of "give" is to transfer something to someone else without cost.
Once the intent of the statute is gleaned, any alleged ambiguity in §36-2811 is resolved. Linking the phrase "if nothing of value is transferred" to registered qualifying patients comports with the statute’s intent that patients and others not profit from medical marijuana.
This case is eFiling eligible: Attorneys are encouraged to review Supreme Court Administrative Order 2011-140 to determine their mandatory participation in eFiling through AZTurboCourt
CR2014-002489-001 DT 04/30/2015
Docket Code 019 Form R000A Page 1

the ruling on petition for dismissal was 5/11/2015

I also noticed she had 40k cash seized!