Lazy Susan 600w Hempy Scrog Beeeeeyatch!


Well-Known Member
So here's the beast. 10000btu and rated for a 450 sq ft room so it should be absolutely overkill for 42 sq ft! Lowes is branding it Idylis now but it's technically a Danby and they've got good reviews. It was $300 with a 2 yr warranty. For $40 Lowes will cover it for 3 years and I don't gotta ship it anywhere. That's a no brainer for me and ill most likely use that warranty at some point. I'm fucking tired right now so I may wait till tomorrow for the rest of my story :) I know, the suspense is crazy!


Well-Known Member
Cant wait for the rest of the story!!!
Looks like a beast... I love your overkill style with this one :-) You should be set for summer real nice.
I may have to mount a second window unit for the summer (i already got one in stock haha) Only thing is, I dont have another window to put it in... Looks like Ill just be mounting it through the floor :hump:


Well-Known Member
So this is where I was heading, I know it looks simple enough but its a pain. I had to unmount the fan board and move it a few inches all while dodging the table and balancing on a ladder. The AC units exhaust hose is short of reaching the wye, so I'm going to add another 3 feet to the stand. I dont want the unit to work harder by using a longer exhaust. Im kinda weird about those things sometimes! So anyway, the filter (outside the room) creates so much back pressure that the air comes out the bottom with alot more force than I was expecting. I dont want the fans fighting each other, creating unnecessary loads and burning out motors sooner than they should. Also if either fan is off it creates a backflowing issue that will heat the room more and Im more concerned with it damaging the AC unit. Just cuz its warrantied doesnt mean I want to go change it right away :)

LOL Its hard to get these thoughts into words. I guess ideally I would have 2 separate exhausts each with their own carbon filter. Well that isnt happening. So I had this idea...
1. Remove the current fan completely, duct the AC exhaust out the filter alone. Blow a regular fan over the cooltube (which is already the case)
Pros: I can set the room temp on the AC exactly where I want it. As it is now I adjust the fan speed dial throughout the day as temps fluctuate. Dialing the temp to a degree and not touching it is a HUGE pro to me, worth multiple points :)
Cons: Regardless of outside temps, the AC will run at points no matter what because the room is sealed and the light will heat the room eventually even if its 20 degrees outside. That equals extra $, Im going to hook it to a killawatt and see what it does. Con number 2 is that air scrubbing would only occur when the AC runs, when its just the fan there is no exhaust. Possibly con #3 is when the AC isnt running, the room "may" backflow ganja odor into the house (have to test)

So thats where Im at right now. I spent all day building some furniture with my sister that won the money. I love building shit and it was on her dime so I was all for it. We're making her a farm style dining table and bench seats, HEAVY MOTHER FUCKERS! She bought me all new blades and bits for my tools, a $100 pocket hole kit, along with breakfast and lunch, so I guess I am reaping some of those lotto winnings :) Its been more cool just that we've been able to hang out like this. We had a falling out awhile back, after my mom died and her and I have reconciled. Ive yet to speak with my other sister still, but thats a whole nother story I guess for some other time.

Anyways, my sister is coming over tomorrow again, I most likely wont get to work on the room. So give me some thoughts on whatever you would do differently with my proposed plan!

This is as far we got, lol one bench. Im not pro construction dude, but the bench and tables will be sturdy! Ill show after its stained and shit too. You can see my AC behind it saying HOOK ME UP!

I aint kidding when I say this bench has to be over 100lbs :)


Well-Known Member
What if you just moved the filter into the room to eliminate the back pressure of the fans pushing out. My filter is on the intake of my ducting, then comes my light, then my fan blowing the air "out". This pulls the air through the filter and light and then should be able to blow right out the wall with no smell. I would think the AC should also be able to blow more freely then?


Well-Known Member
I think this was yesterday. There's a ton of the lower branches about to break the surface. I think I'll only be vegging another week or so!


Well-Known Member
I think the A/C exhaust in-taking into that hose after the fan will push back into the ac, and it might need to be split prior to fan and it will pull more instead resisting.
I am new to proper venting, and my answer is more guesswork that proven theory. though.


Well-Known Member
You were understanding me right, I was just high and forgot you needed to filter the AC exhaust and that what I said wouldn't do that. lol, however what bass said might, just moving the big fan to the other side of the y, so it was always pulling in and then pushing directly into the carbon filter. That might even make the AC run easier.


Active Member
In dehumidify mode video says exhaust hose unnecessary. I was thinking if you ran exh to long/large(8-10") duct for storage w/o negative or positive pressure then tied to filter run drawing almost passively out. Makes complete sense to me but its my idea, the ac wouldn't know large duct wasn't really outdoors and filter fan wouldn't be effected.


Well-Known Member
I didn't see anyone's posts for some reason!


Well-Known Member
I think the A/C exhaust in-taking into that hose after the fan will push back into the ac, and it might need to be split prior to fan and it will pull more instead resisting.
I am new to proper venting, and my answer is more guesswork that proven theory. though.
I had thought of this as well and can't remember why I didn't do it, lol.


Well-Known Member
In dehumidify mode video says exhaust hose unnecessary. I was thinking if you ran exh to long/large(8-10") duct for storage w/o negative or positive pressure then tied to filter run drawing almost passively out. Makes complete sense to me but its my idea, the ac wouldn't know large duct wasn't really outdoors and filter fan wouldn't be effected.
In that mode it doesn't cool at all, it's just a fan sucking moisture out of the air. It has a fan mode too that the exhaust isn't needed for, but to cool the room the exhaust has to be used.


Well-Known Member
I think it was my mentality that the original fan even on a low setting would be exhausting my cool air quicker than I wanted and causing the AC to run more, as more air is pulled from inside the house. Which would have been the case regardless which side of the fan was on anything! I don't know anymore, I over thunk it.


Well-Known Member
Lol the pantry already smells like weed and I'm not even flowering. That was a quick test! It's time for phase two of "make it up as I go" in one of my videos I showed under my table and there was a board with a fan mounted to it. Well it's time to kick that in motion. I'm going to mount it over the passive intake to pull air into the room and set it on a timer to turn on at lights out. It will create a positive pressure that can creep its way out the ac and not into my house. This is assuming of course the AC will even run enough in the day to scrub the air. If not ill be hooking up a fan again and redoing the ducting yet again!


Well-Known Member
I think it was my mentality that the original fan even on a low setting would be exhausting my cool air quicker than I wanted and causing the AC to run more, as more air is pulled from inside the house. Which would have been the case regardless which side of the fan was on anything! I don't know anymore, I over thunk it.
Lol, I hope it works for ya.