Leaf blades on seedlings


Well-Known Member
From my experience growing from seed, the seed gets its baby leaves, gets its first REAL set of leaves, which usually have just 1 blade, and the next pair will have usually 3. Here's the thing, i have a seed that went from its 1 bladed leaf and now has its second set of leaves, and the leaves already have 7 blades! I've never seen this before. plants super green and is definitely the work horse of the group. 5 reg tga spacebombs.
--What i want to ask is, is this normal, or is this a sign that ill have a fire pheno? :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
It means something is different. Will this carry through and change the smoke? We won't know until you harvest, dry, cure and try it. Just make sure you don't lose the genetics until you are sure.