Leaf curl/spiral on new growth leaves


Well-Known Member
I have 4 outdoor clones that I have been growing since late April and 2 of them which are a different strain than the other two are starting to get this leaf curl/spiral on newer/tender leaves. I've also seen it on other stuff besides cannabis and my neighbor says its some kind of fungus. Does anyone know about this? What should I do????????


Well-Known Member
I have a few reveged plants that put out single spiral leaves. I am thinking you are fine.
Thats exactly what these are like. Also these clones have several leaves that are only one finger. By "reveged" do you mean that they went into flower and back into veg again?


Well-Known Member
Thats exactly what these are like. Also these clones have several leaves that are only one finger. By "reveged" do you mean that they went into flower and back into veg again?
Yes that's what I meant. All the plants that I have witnessed that on have been clones that I took from my indoor grow and moved them outside. :)


Ya, I have these little 1 leaf spiral things on my plant as well. Honestly I messed up my fim/top on this plant only. I cut it a little short, more like a Top than a Fim, so at first it looked stunted and out of 1 side grew a little stem and some wierd top that wasn't like a new branch type leaf, it was more like just a tiny baby leaf that had opened but was trimmed near the nub on the leaf, with barely any actual leaf, it was just a circle of 5 little stems bunched together with tiny leaf material at the end of each one like it would make 1 regular mature leaf if it was on 1 stem, but the leaf material all stunted.

What I think happened is the hormones that would regularly tell the flower to grow out on both sides and then open up into 5 leaves got mixed up and told the little flower tissue left on the one side of the Top/Fim to grow out as if opening like the flower hadn't been topped/fimmed. Then it tried to open with 5 leaves but it had been cut so it didn't have tips. Basically I cut the Fim/Top too short but left some tissue on 1 side. Now the plant is confused and growing the lower leaves weird, with 1 of the leaves from the 5 leaf sets spiraling out.

Anyway, the other part of the main stem cola where I topped my plant trying to Fim it, started to pop 2 more flowers to grow new stems or colas to possibly give me a 4 colas plant, but the smaller forming leaves lower on the plant are doing the 1 leaf spiral deal. I clipped the weird stem growing out of the main stem from the Fim/Top, and I'll see whats going on now. I'm 21 days in from when the seedling first broke the surface.

If I remember I'll come post an update and tell you if the plant straightened out, taking away some of the stress.

I hope you understand what I mean lol


this plant didn't hermi, fyi, the plants lower branches still had some lil weird leafing, but the rest of the plant is great, don't give up if u mess up your fem!!