Leaf Decay/Shrivelling/Twisting (pics)

So a little background info. I have about 6 indoor plants in a 3x3x8 foot closet under a 400w HPS light with a fan circulating air inside. The plants are in their first week of flowering and are being watered approx. every 3 days w/ Plant-Prod 30-10-10. I plan to switch to a different nute next week. I noticed the problem on one leaf when vegging but disregarded it at the time. I noticed the other day that it looked a bit worse and was now happening to a few other leaves.

Not sure if it's relevant but I noticed webbing on my plants during the second day of flowering and white specs on some of the leaves. I diagnosed this as spider mites and thoroughly sprayed the leaves with a soapy water mix. It seems to have killed a good deal of them but I'm sure they will be back at which point I will have to try something to kill them for good.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


well the twisting is usually a ph problem. and from the looks of it those baby look super thirsty or way to wet. spider mites are the most dreaded insects of all to mary jane growers. if you do have them i have bad news your crop is threw. you can try to ride it out but that is a long time until harvest. good luck bro


Active Member
spider mites ar not that bad. just foliar spray with cool water (like 1/3 from the fridge and the rest room temp0 3x daily paying close attention to underside of leaves. If that doesnt work buy predetor mites which are the shit! or ladybugs (release at night)