Leaf discoloration at the tips only


I have a group of plants that are still in the veg stage (3 of them) and the tips of all three are starting to turn a light green, not yellow, just a light green... What could be the cause of this problem?

I am using Hesi nutes and following the guidelines on the bottle (50ML per 10L of water) I am currently using HESI root complex (50ml per 10L of Water), HESI TNT Complex (50ml per 10L of water) and the little bottle of HESI Super VIt (2 drops per 10L of water) all mixed in the same water supply. These plants are being grown with fox farm soil and are under an 400W HID MH that is approx. 36" above them. The temp fluctuates between 65F at night to 72F during the light cycle. I have a exhaust fan and ciculating fan in the room as well...

I do not have any pictures right now but can post some tomorrow if that would help as well... Any ideas would help? I am not even sure if I should be worrying about this but I figured I would ask...


I am now thinking that I may have a zinc issue with my water. I am using well water because that is what I have where I live and I think I may need to supplement the water with some zinc. Any thoughts?
Idk, I have a batch of yellow plants but I don't get it cuz I am using the same dirt as my last grow which was fine...my whole plant's yellow


If you are using the same exact dirt not just the same brand but re-using the dirt from your last grow the soil may have diminished the nutrients that were there from the last grow... You may have to supplement more of the nutes on this grow because of this factor...


Can someone tell me how to supplement Zinc in with my nutes? I have a slight zinc deficiency and need to take care of it soon...


Come on RIU 74 views and only 1 reply with no help to my situation... I need an expert to help me please...


Thanks for the help RIU! I figured out my problem and it was a salt buildup in my soil. I leached the soil yesterday with 3 times the amount of water to soil and should be good to go as soon as the soil starts to dry again, i think?

I then applied a full NPK fert to them before I put them back in the room...